S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Old Good Stalker Evolution

Storyline Walkthrough

This walkthrough is based on Old Good Stalker Evolution (OGSE) version 1.0.7 Released 202 (see Download Links) with default setup (at installation) with one minor exception: changed Quick Save on the B key to F6. Played at Master level. OGSE has some storyline revisions, but mostly keeps to the original while offering some additional optional tasks. In this walkthrough, I focus on those options and deviations from the original storyline. However, I should mention that this mod takes a slightly different approach to optional tasks from the original (vanilla) version in that you can often pick your reward.

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I've only played through this version of the mod once. Much of this walkthrough is based on previous versions and you may find some notes and warnings do not apply. If you know of any tasks I may have missed, please feel free to email me with instructions on how to acquire the task.

Last Revision: February 2025



NOTE: At the start of the game, notice the green house icon on the right of the screen. This indicates an emission shelter and the only place you can sleep. This does not mean you are safe from mutants. It is recommended to sleep underground, or in a mutant-free area, such as near the Bar or the Yantar lab. Also, be aware that exposure to radiation will ruin any food in your backpack, along with some fluids, like Kefir. These items seem to be safe in a vehicle's storage (in the latest version, this doesn't seem to be an issue).

I recommend starting these tasks as early in the game as possible. Based on earlier versions where the military attacks the village at random times without warning or provocation. Subsequently, I've had games where the attack came as early as 10:30 AM on the first day, leaving Tolik, Wolf, and Musician all dead. If this happens, you may as well start a new game if you want to complete all the optional tasks. Nimble usually doesn't make it to the end, either. At some point later in the game, I usually find his body north of the Rookie Village.

Start with Bring radioactive Blood Stone artifact and follow the storyline to help Tolik. Take the artifact to Sidorovich to complete the task and get the Get information from scout task. This has the added Peacefully free the captive at the ATP option. Whether you take this option or not, remember to ask Nimble about a job to get the Find the perfect suit task.

Leave any ATP loot in a stash box and go east up the hill (don't miss the Meat Chuck in the road). Sprint past the mutants to the opening of the tunnel. Jump on the pipe, then the shipping container, and again to the cement to get away from the Pseudodogs. Clear out the mutants and go further into the tunnel to find the jacket inside a cement pipe.

NOTE: For some reason I had trouble picking up the jacket. I pushed it around for a bit and then was able to get it.

Go back and get your loot, and search the garage for a can of fuel. Give the jacket to Nimble, who is sleeping in the Rookie Village, and he gives you a Stone Flower artifact, which you need for the Lost crate task. Keep the artifact with you as this task comes soon.

Take the flash drive to Sidorovich and ask the following questions:

  1. Got any special missions for me? to get The deal with the military.
  2. Sidorovich, do you have some personal errands? to get Find the guitar.
  3. I need a job. Do you have something for me? to get Hunting trophies, along with the traditional tasks, Eliminate the bandits by the Agroprom Research Institute, Kill the bandit leader (both of which you must do, so why not get paid for it).

Next, ask Wolf the following:

Take the artifacts and fuel (from APT) to the ZAZ 965 Humpback parked across the street. Stand in front and press the action key (F) to open the trunk:

  1. Select Backpack.
  2. Select Box of artifacts.
  3. Select Move.
  4. Optionally, select Trunk to verify the box is in there.
  5. Select Exit.
Now go to the back and press the number keypad period to put the fuel in from the ATP.

NOTE: Do not trust the fuel gauges on these vehicles. Instead, only put one or two cans in at a time. Trying to fill the tank is a waste as they never seem to get completely full.

Go west to the last house and talk to Vasya, which gives you the Help your fellow rookies task. Work on this task until you get Inspect the tunnel. This, Wolf's dynamite, and the deal with the military can all be done at the same time.

Take the artifacts to the bridge to make the exchange. Along the way, stop at the Find Veteran's cache location and get the tablet. Exchange the artifacts for weapons and continue east along the tracks to get Wolf's dynamite and the Cheburashka. The Cheburashka is obtained during the Help your fellow rookies. When you have the Cheburashka in your inventory and you accept the following tasks, the Cheburashka promps you with an offer to help by providing a hint for each task:

Go back to the village and give Wolf his dynamite and the weapons. Cross the road and go to the last east house. Talk to Musician and complete the The Mystery of Old House task, then west to the house with the old man and talk to him to get the Old man's daughter task (which also comes later, much later). Report to Sidorovich about the weapons exchange. Ask again, "Got any special missions for me? to get the original Find the militaries' document task in Agroprom. Complete the Bring a bottle of vodka to Tolik task.

Next, find Sid's guitar and get the next personal errand, The military at the anomaly. Complete that and get the Mercenaries at the Cordon, but don't leave for Garbage yet. Finish up the Hunting trophies, Kill the stalker, and Find the perfected pistol (you can wait to take it back to Sidorovich if you took Wolf's Destroy the mutants at the farm task).

Now find the dead Loner and go through the tunnel to get the message about Fox. If you took Wolf's Destroy the mutants at the farm task, help the other Loners clear the Fleshes out.

NOTE: The tractor and the abandon farm is a working vehicle. It's a challenge to drive without tipping on its side, and isn't any better going up hills than the Humpback. But it does have a full tank and can save you from buying petrol until you get to Agroprom, where there's a few cans in the factory complex. The dictionary says the tractor has a 40 kg. capacity trunk, but I've yet to find how to open it.

Help Fox and get the Take Fox's docs to Sidorovich task for later. Get the Cordon Record. If Digger is there, complete the Safe of Digger task and, if you want, get the Digger's weapon task. If you need to go back to the Rookie Village to finish up any tasks, do that now and then continue north to the Garbage.

Save before moving to Garbage, especially when driving. You never know what waits on the other side. I suggest making this a habit that can save you a great deal of frustration. You may have to reload the save, go through on foot, and if/when it's safe, go back and get your ride.


When you enter the Garbage for the first time, follow the storyline to save Yurik from the Bandits, help Bes at the Vehicle graveyard, and Seriy at the Train Hanger.

Then go for the Mercenaries at the Cordon recording. Keep in mind that Wolf's Destroy the mutants at the farm task has a 24-hour deadline. If you're running late, you can get the recording before going to the Train Hanger.

Once you have returned to Cordon to find and defuse the bomb, you can return to Garbage and kill the Mercs. At this point you can continue on to Agroprom or go back and get your reward. If you took the Eliminate the bandits by the Agroprom Research Institute, you'll have to go back after Agroprom, so I usually wait to collect my reward.


Save Mole and follow the storyline that includes the following tasks:

When you return to Garbage, help Duty with the herd of boars, and you can find Vaska to complete the A Strange Anomaly task now, or wait until you come back on your way to Dark Valley.


When you spawn in Rostok, there is a sad-looking Goatling (Jeep) that runs and is full of fuel on the plateau ahead on the right. You can drive it all the way into the factory complex. But there's a lot of mutants to deal with the first time through. You can drive over the bridge and past the Dutyers (careful not to hit any of them) and pull off the road to park. NPCs frequently walk through there, so be sure you're off the road.

If you took the Digger's weapon task, stop in and have Bruise work on it. You may want to leave the gun with Bruise until you get back from X-18 so that you don't have to have it in your backpack the whole time. You can pick it up during the Help to seriously ill stalkers or Find out what happened with post in Darkscape tasks, both involving Darkscape. Depending on whether the Military is still in Dark Valley, you may have to go through Cordon to get there.

Next, talk to Barkeep about the documents and ask why there's no music to get the Records task. Ask if he has any personal errands and get the Bartender friend task. He also offers Food delicatessen, but you can only accept one at a time and the first one is next to X-18. Barkeep also offers the Resolve the situation with the prisoner at the Agroprom, which you can accept now or wait for later.

Talk to Snitch and get the Find the anomalous bolts task. Put the records you have from Cordon and Agroprom in the jukebox as you leave.

Talk to Tail and he tells you Kolya went to the Dead City. Once you get to the Dead City, look on your PDA for the area circled north of the bridge and south of the water tower. Return to Garbage and on to Dark Valley. If you have a Gold Fish artifact, bring it with you.

Dark Valley

Follow the vanilla storyline by helping Bullet free his friend and sneak into the Bandit base to get Borov's key. Before entering the base, find the Bartender friend PDA. You can complete the task on your way to X-18. Also, there are more anomalous bolts and a record to collect. When you get to X-18, see the following:


You have the option of spending some time in Darkscape or moving on to Cordon and completing the Darkscape tasks later in the game when you must return. If you're escaping from Dark Valley, you want to get to Cordon around 24:00 for Sidorovich's Steal the box from the army outpost task. The area south of the railroad bridge is loaded with artifacts. You can also pick up one of the Records and Find the anomalous bolts. Which ever you decide, here is a list of tasks:

To do them all:

  1. Start with The Trap at the Gas Station until you get the Find the secret bunker task.
  2. Complete the Get the forth part of the map. While you are at Zaharich's, check for the record, ask him about his riddles, and get the Moonshine and the knowledge of the universe task.
  3. Find the secret bunker and Help the "Cleaners".

When you do decide to move to Cordon, follow the road until you come to a cave that is partially blocked by a bus so you have to leave the Goatling (for now). Take all your stuff out of the Goatling and walk the rest of the way into the cave to the move to Cordon. When you spawn in Cordon, Sidorovich radios you with an invitation to stop by. If you do, he offers you the traditional Steal the box from the army outpost task. Ideally, you can combine this with the Take Fox's docs to Sidorovich task. Like the Agroprom documents, I've never been able to complete this without setting off an alarm. Also, get the Guest at the elevator task.

Now, back to the storyline where you must take the X-18 documents back to Barkeep. With the Military all over Dark Valley, you have to go north through Cordon to Garbage on foot (hopefully, you left a vehicle in the hanger garage). If you happen to have a Veles, check for the Firefly artifact in Garbage.

Report to Barkeep and he sends you to X-16 in Yantar. Show him the gun from the elevator get the next part of the task (which can wait until you go see Guide following your visit to X-16) and get your reward for saving his friend. Put any records you have in the jukebox and leave the bar. Talk to Plichko and get the Bring crossbow to Plichko task, then move on to Wild Territory and Yantar.


Follow the traditional storyline to save Kruglov in Wild Territory and escort him to the Yantar transition. As you go you may notice some anomalous bolts. There are five in Wild Territory, and you can go back and pick them up now, or wait for the Yantar's secret task that takes you back to the Bar. You also need to get the crossbow from Tolik and, whether you took Hunter's rifle task or not, be sure to get Freeman's crowbar that's needed in Dead City.

Be sure to grab and stash the RPG from the dead Merc north of the helicopter. You need it for the Find RPG-7 task.

Go to the Yantar bunker and agree to help Sakharov to get the Find out what happened with post in Darkscape task, which you must complete before the traditional storyline that includes helping Kruglov take readings, finding Vasiliev's body, and X-16. Start the Get the third part of the map to the point of returning to Wild Territory (not Rostok, as Epifahtsev says).

You can also start these tasks if you want to:

At first, there is no stash box in the bunker, but there is a working Goatling in the carport you can use. Ignore Chuk until you return from X-16. As you work through the Get the third part of the map task, a stash box becomes available.

Go back to Wild Territory and find the Radioman's stash. Next, any anomalous bolts you did not get before and Tolik's crossbow. If you accepted Hunter's Find the family rifle task, now is a good time to fetch it as well. If you have a Veles detector (usually comes in a stash) and can operate the prototype, check the Wild Territory location for the Get the third part of the map. If you have room in your backpack, pack the RPG from Wolfhound's guys.

When you enter Rostok, turn left and start the Help to seriously ill stalkers task. If you did not do it before, see Barkeep about the Resolve the situation with the prisoner at the Agroprom task that you can do on your way back from Darkscape. Take the crossbow to Plichko, which gives you access to Voronin Optional Missions and Petrenko, who gives you the Open Petrenko's safe and Get the second part of the map. You can do these any time you want as you don't need to leave Rostok to complete them.

Take Hunter his rifle and pick up Yura's gun again from Bruise. The Military is still in Dark Valley, so you need to go to Darkscape by way of Cordon. If you on the Guest at the elevator > Eliminate the assassin, go through the Garbage to Cordon transition on foot so that you can be ready.

Stop to see Yura, who rejects the gun again. Go to the Rookie Village and check the Cordon Dark Zone for the Get the third part of the map. Next, ask Sidorovich for a job and take the Find RPG-7 task, and then give it to him to complete the task. If you don't have the RPG with you, but stashed, go straight to the Darkscape transition and on to the Mercs up the road. And remember, you need to take the transition on foot.

Once you have earned the doctor's release, move on to the train tunnel for the Find out what happened with post in Darkscape task. Finish up any Darkscape tasks and return to Rostok to drop off Yura's gun for the last time. You may find Duty clearing the Military out of Dark Valley and go that way. Leave Yura's gun with Bruise for now and continue to Yantar. Report to Sakharov about the group and continue on with the traditional storyline to shut X-16 down. Don't forget the Healing Beril suit that Lukash will ask for later on.

When you return from X-16, complete Yantar's secret to the point where the serum wears off. Return to the lab and take the Goatling to Agroprom and start the Resolve the situation with the prisoner at the Agroprom task. Once you drop him off and get the task update to report to Barkeep, you can do that or complete the Help the deserter task, and then report to Barkeep.

Get the Yantar's secret cache. Find One-eyed and complete the Get the second part of the map task. Next, go toward the Army Warehouses transition and find the doctor for the Seriously ill stalkers. Lead him to the stalkers and get the Find the Beehive artifact task from him.

Duty may now control the transition from Garbage, but you may find some Military guards at the bridge. If you have a Veles, check both the Garbage and Dark Valley Dark Zones for the Get the third part of the map task. If you don't have a Veles, check for one all your stash coordinates. Get the Beehive artifact and take it back to the doctor to complete the task, and pick up Yura's PKM one more time. This time, you can use the weapon and move it to a cache. Then, head for the Cordon to finish Digger's weapon and talk to Guide.

Now head for Agroprom to meet Doc in Strelok's hideout and finish up with the Anomal engine. On your way through Garbage, pick up another record, along with Mole's ammo. Deliver the ammo to complete the task and continue to the Underground.

After visiting Doc, return to Garbage and, if you took the Find the weapon of the Dutyer task, pick it up on your way through to Rostok. Before moving on, if you have any tasks remaining south of Rostok (Cordon, Dark Valley, Garbage, Darkscape, Agroprom), you may want to finish them up, too (if you can). And be sure to at least make the Examine the unknown artifact first attempt. You will return to Yantar on a couple of occasions, so any tasks there and Wild Territory can wait for now.

When you've done all you can (and again, it's okay to wait on trips to Yantar for now), move on to Army Warehouses. Remember to take the Healing Beril suit and some vodka for the Cook. The traditional Destroy the lair of the bloodsucker offered by Hunter is a task I always take because I end up doing it anyway. So why not get paid for it?

Army Warehouse

Go directly to the Freedom base. I've had games where Skull's Duty group attacks the Freedom base almost immediately and breaks the storyline. Report them to Lukash, talk to Max, and follow the squad to the farmstead.

NOTE: If you tell Lukash about the Duty detachment, even if you don't actually participate in the fight, it may make you an enemy of Duty. If this happens, you have to see Barkeep to patch things up for 10,000 RUs or more. But to get to the Bar, you have to sprint south past the Duty checkpoint without getting killed. Continue toward the truck where you found the second part of the map flash drive, but turn left (east) on the road going into the warehouse just outside the Bar. Hopefully, you can get to the Bar from there without Duty seeing you.

In my playthrough of this version, I took Duty out with a couple grenades. This made me enemies with Duty. Unfortunately, there was no option with Barkeep to help me (plus, a Dutyer in the Bar kept punching me). The guide that stands outside the Bar had been killed by a Chimera and I had no easy way to get to Sidorovich (it's possible to get past the southern checkpoint and the gate in Garbage, but very difficult). I found that I had to start the task over without firing on Duty. I tried staying in the Freedom base, but Max's group got wiped out. So, I led them to the farm and hid behind the barn. That kept my reputation with Duty in good standing.

Take the bulletproof vest and report back to Lukash, ask about Owl to get the Prisoners at the Radar task. Ask Lukash for a job and take the Vendetta task and get the Deal with the snitch task. Pick up the record in the next room and see Skinflint for the Destroy the lair of the bloodsucker task that you got from Hunter. Next, see the Chef about the M202 and be sure to pick up the anomalous bolt.

TIP: Find Screw behind the headquarters building and give him a vodka in exchange for an NSPU-3 "Cassowary" night vision scope. This requires a dovetail mount. Screw claims he works on all AKs, but I've yet to find one he'll put the dovetail mount on. Also, if you take to Max again, there's a fuel canister on the hood of the jeep next to him. There's another on the upper deck of the barn where you kill the snitch.

Deal with the snitch and check the house for another record (which you may have already found in Darkscape). Move south up the road and get Voronin's pistol. Next, stash any food and clear out the village while getting Voronin's M202, clearing out the Bloodsuckers, and checking the Dead Zone for the last artifact. Be aware that Mercs spawn in the village from time to time. Also, you cannot take the M202 out of your backpack, but the Dead Zone doesn't affect it.

Take the M202 and pistol back to Voronin, collect your reward, and then to the Bar to collect Hunter's reward and drop off any records. Head back to Army Warehouses, get Skinflint's reward, and report to Lukash about the snitch. He sends you to the barrier.

TIP: Loot the Monolith dead for one of their exoskeletons, even if it's in bad shape. Screw can fix it. They're lighter than the Stalker version, and give better radiation protection. I had one that was at 35% and it cost me about 70,000 RUs, which hardly put a dent in my account.

Once again, in my playthrough of this version I came up empty. In fact, I've yet to see an exoskeleton of any kind. I mean, I see others wearing them, but none that I can wear. It wasn't until I got to a stash by the helicopter in Red Forest (Package for Duty) that I found an exo.

After the barrier, move into Red Forest. If you have the Prisoners at the Radar task, take some grenades, a PKM (if you have one), and a Vortex artifact (e.g., Meat Chunk).

Red Forest

TIP: This map has Kamikaze-Civilian Zombies, so don't let them get too close. Also, injured Monolith blow up when you approach them, so finish them off from a distance.

When you spawn and start up the road you get the Well-wisher: Take the case task. If you have Prisoners at the Radar, complete that before returning to Army Warehouses. Get your reward and get the Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier task (be sure to talk to Screw before you leave the base). Pick up the Help Psycho task and head for Yantar. If you've taken Voronin's Protect the security post of the Duty task, you might also be able to do this along the way.

In Yantar, finish the Help Psycho task. Talk to Sakharov about the unknown artifact and he gives you a case to catch it in. If you haven't found the O-21 sample yet, hopefully it's late enough in the day that you can get it this time. Locate the cache box in the bus to get an update for the Yantar's secret task. Get the O-21 sample and the Well-wisher's case.

Hopefully, you've been able to collect the three The question of immortality — Part 1 artifacts. If not, you can skip this next part until you do and pick up the trail for Messenger in Army Warehouses and complete the Well-wisher task to get the rest of the code.

If you have the artifacts, you need the following items:

Take the O-21 sample to Dead Stalker and finish The question of immortality parts 1 and 2, deal with Baby, and then move on to Darkscape and destroy the O-21 sample. Capture the unknown artifact and stash it for now. Continue on to Cordon and finish any Sidorovich Optional Missions and get the Cover the Duty detachment from the attack of the bandits in the Dark Valley task.

Return to Darkscape and clean up any Zaharich caches. Go back to Dark Valley, help Duty with the Bandits, and report to Dead Stalker that you destroyed the artifact. This gives you a task update to give the papers to Sakharov, which you can do later. Use the Dark Valley transition to URR and get the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt Artifact-key. Next, pick up the trail for Messenger in Army Warehouses and complete the Well-wisher task to get the rest of the code.

Dead City

See Well-wisher: Take the case starting with the NOTE. Once you get Minor out of Dead City, you have the Cheburashka's Find the Stalker task to complete, along with several optional tasks. Head north over the bridge. At the north end of the map is a bunker with a barkeep named Bosun that you need to talk to. There's also a safe on the other side of the pool table where you can stash your gear.

To get there, head north over the bridge, past the guard shack, and turn northeast toward the building with four letters above the door and one laying on the ground. Either go in and through the building or around to the back and enter the closed door to the underground bar.

To complete the Find the Stalker task, go west of the bunker toward the water tower (you can do this during the first part of Owner of the Dead City as you will be in this same area). Clear out the Zombies and the Controller (do not pick up any documents at this time as you may break the storyline, such as Note from the Dead City or a wooden box that says you can examine it but you can't). Kolya's body is near the center of the circle on your PDA map. When you find Kolya, loot his body and grab the Compass artifact. The Cheburashka says it needs the artifact, there's white stars for a few seconds, and then Kolya's body and the artifact are gone. The Cheburashka says that if you keep it, it will help you with other tasks.

While you're in the area, there is one anomalous household item and one anomalous bolt in the area.

The following optional tasks are available in the bunker/bar (in recommended order):

  1. Owner of the Dead City
  2. Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier
  3. Find the rest of the anomalous household items
  4. Find the Moonshine distiller
  5. Find the anomalous bolts
  6. Klondike of artifacts: last spurt

To combine these tasks:

  1. Follow the Owner task until you have to wait for the bomb (be sure to pick up the BTR key at the crash site).
  2. While waiting for the bomb, follow the BTR task until you have to wait for the battery to charge.
  3. While waiting for the battery, find the bolts, distiller, and household items.
  4. Once the bomb is ready, follow the Owner task until you set the bomb off.
  5. With the Owner dead, follow the BTR task until you get it running. You can also take the distiller to Zaharich on one of your trips to Army Warehouses.
  6. Take the BTR to the Klondike site and complete the task.
  7. Go to the bunker, pick up Prokhorov, and buy some BTR fuel.
  8. Take Prokhorov to Army Warehouses and drop off the BTR.
  9. Go Dark Valley > Garbage > Agroprom > Marshes > Cordon to drop Prokhorov off. You can go under the train bridge now as the Military is friendly.

With the code to the Brain Scorcher, you can clean up some tasks and return to the original storyline. Assuming you completed the Owner of the Dead City task and are now in Cordon, go to Marshes and complete the Catch a unique bloodsucker task. Then, return to Agroprom. Since you are now friendly with the Military, you can pick up the anomalous bolt in the Institute building. Then, move on to Yantar and give Sakharov the anomalous household items, the unknown artifact, and papers from Yantar's secret.

Finish up any open tasks. Any rewards you have to collect can wait for now as long as they don't have Remaining time limit. You will be visiting Lukash and Voronin later in the game and can collect rewards then. Pack up a sniper rifle (recommend 7.62 caliber), assault rifle (recommend 5.56 caliber), and a rapid-fire weapon, such as a PKM (recommended) or RPK74M, any Gauss batteries you have, and return to Red Forest until you meet Furhad. If you have Prokhorov's Army Transponder, it might be easier to meet Furhad after X-10. Also, if you have room in your backpack, you may want to bring something for Civilian Zombies (I prefer a shotgun with slugs. Head shots are very effective).


Furhad — In the southwest corner of the map is a trader named Furhad who shows on your minimap as neutral. Ask him if he knows of any short paths to the southern part of the Zone to open a transition point between Radar and Yantar. This is located at the end of the road you came in on. In Yantar, you spawn at the northeast corner of the map. This is handy if you need equipment repairs or ammo before heading to Pripyat. Transitioning from Pripyat to Radar is a little tricky in that you have to approach the Exit directly from the south. Also, in this version, Furhad is the first trader I've encountered to have a Veles (needed for Get the third part of the map task). However, it is labeled Anomaly detector "Search".

Furhad also claims there is a transition point to Dark Valley, but I haven't found it yet. Ask Furhad if he's the Monolith supplier to start a conversation where he warns you about the Reactor hall. He also says his employer may message you, but I've yet to receive any messages.

When you reach the Brain Scorcher switch, arm yourself with a rapid-fire weapon and go to the laptop. Open your PDA and go to Diary > Personal notes > Password for Radar. With that open, press the action key (F) and type in the code (the latest version doesn't seem to allow this). Press Esc to close and move over to the switch. Quick Save before you throw the switch, turn the Brain Scorcher off, and move back toward the keypad before you pass out. When you wake up, there's a Monolith or two on the floor below the catwalk.

Fight your way out of the lab and be sure to get Sidorovich's message about meeting the Loners in Pripyat. If you completed the Escort Prokhorov to the checkpoint at the Cordon task, the Military should be friendly when you exit the lab. As you make your way to Pripyat, I recommend a PKM for the Sarcophagus and Monolith Control, or at least a Repair Kit as it is the primary weapon used by Monolith in these two levels. Also, bring along any Gauss batteries you might have.

In Pripyat, pick up the decoder in the hotel and get a message from a trader, Dark Dealer, who can also repair equipment. However, you will need to contact him later during Total recall and can ignore his message for now. Instead, go to the Old man's daughter apartment. You can use the apartment building's ground floor as cover to get to the north end of the map and the stadium. And, you can enter the stadium through the first gate (at the west end of the stands). From this point, follow the original storyline to the end.

NOTE: When you spawn in CNPP North, there's The Zone's Secret task and a mark in the northeast corner of the map. I've never noticed it before playing this version, so either it's new or I just missed it (entirely possible). However, once you are off the ground and return to ground level, you die within a few seconds. I found a working vehicle that I drove to the spot, but there's no one there and nothing happened.

There is one point in CNPP North near the start where you have the option of going left (as you would in the original) or take a shortcut to the right down a plank to a teleport that puts you on the roof with the two Snorks. This is where you climb down a ladder to the first walkway and there's four wooden cases with ammo at the bottom. As you go north on the walkway, two Monolith come around the corner (this is where the alternate route is). If you continue on around the corner, another Monolith spawns and past him you teleport to the roof of the building you are facing when you enter the teleport.

Total recall

After you beat Monolith and reach the last teleport, you find that the end is not the end. Instead, you are transported to the east side of the plant complex. Your PDA still has any tasks that you haven't completed, plus Total recall, which sends you back to Pripyat to talk to the Dark Dealer. To leave the complex and get back to Pripyat, you have get to the west side of the complex, and then south. Along the way you may encounter a Pseudodog or wounded Monolith, but mostly it's safe and you can sprint the whole way.

Starting from where you spawn, go around the northeast corner of the building on your left and straight west. Along the way, there's a white UAZ 3962 Brick van that you can drive. Follow the overhead pipes, then the railroad tracks until they curve to the right, and move left to the road. Go to the end of the road and follow it left (south) to the transition point. The Exit puts you near the front (south) of the plant, but at the opposite end of the map than the transition to Pripyat (and facing west). The Military and Monolith are still fighting, so put your Army Transponder from Prokhorov on if you have it.

NOTE: Even with the transponder on, the BTR along the south wall remain hostile.

Follow the road east until you come to a building with metal stairs that go over some large pipes. Go over the pipes and take the road on the right at the fork. Continue east when the road turns, go through the storage tanks and eventually you come to another building with metal stairs over some pipes. Again, stay right at the fork and stay on the road when it turns left (northeast). This puts you directly in line with the open gate and the hole in the wall that you came in on at the start of the map. Once you're outside the complex, go south to the transition to Pripyat.

In Pripyat, go through the stadium, around the south side of the Ferris wheel, cross the road, and go up the rubble to the second floor window to find Dark Dealer. During your conversation with him, you have a medical episode and black out. When you come to, you remember everything and tell Dark Dealer that you know where C-Consciousness has their main lab and want to kill them all. Dark Dealer suggests that you get some help from either Duty, Freedom, or the Army. It is possible to involve all three. This gives you the Prepare the assault on the C-Consciousness laboratory task.

NOTE: To start the conversation with Dark Dealer, ask, "Hi, Dark Dealer. Listen, I need help with something." If you don't have this option, close the dialog and try again.


TIP: When you finish talking to Dark Dealer, you can move around the southwest corner of the building and walk north along the ledge to the second window. Guide is there and can take you to nearly any map.

Now head for the Radars by way of Dead City. You can actually drive there using the transition point at the north end of Dark Valley, then follow the road through Army Warehouses to the Dead City transition point. At the north end of the map, the tunnel that was radioactive is now a transition point and this might be a good place to leave your vehicle. In Generators, the PDA has you going to a drain pipe, but I prefer to continue east and approach the south end of the base. Just be sure to stay behind a tree because they all have Gauss rifles in the towers. Clear the towers and use the wall or machine gun nest as cover to clear the rest of the camp.

When it's clear, go to the building in the center with the door facing the front gate. Go down the steps to trigger the traditional cut-scene ending (which you can Esc out of). After the cut-scene, a timer starts and another stalker waits at the door to tell you the military is planning a strike on the location. Click through the conversation as quickly as possible (you can read it in your PDA's Diary later) and sprint for the front gate, then southwest to the Dead City transition point. Don't wait for the other guy, because he vanishes. If you get to the transition point in time, you spawn in Dead City and can pick up the trail of the Moonshine and the knowledge of the universe.

Bring radioactive Blood Stone artifact

Your first task is to fetch an artifact out of the center of the ravine that is northwest of Sid's bunker. As you leave the bunker, you are stopped by Seryoga Stalin. If you call him "sir" he perceives you as weak and charges you 300 RUs each time you want to enter the bunker again. Continue north up the hill going between the triangular sign and large tree. Go into the drainage tile and straight down into the ravine. Go up onto the fallen tree, turn left, and walk along the tree until you see the artifact between two large branches. Pick the artifact up and retrace your steps out. About this time you can hear a helicopter firing rockets and Sidorovich radios you to check on his contact, Tolik. When you get to the location, loot the corpses, and give Tolik the medkit.

Peacefully free the captive at the ATP

See Wolf and on to Petruha, who gives you a third option for rescuing Nimble. Ask Petruha if there's another way besides the traditional attack or go it alone. The plan is for you to wear bandit gear to get in and bluff your way into releasing Nimble. When you get to the ATP, go upstairs and talk to the bandit sleeping on the floor. Take the bottom options of the conversation to complete the mission. However, the task to Kill the Bandits at the car park remains on your PDA. If you stop to tell Petruha that the plan worked, he and his men go back to the Rookie Village. This leaves you to clear the car park by yourself.

Sidorovich Optional Missions

After you have freed Nimble from the Bandits and return to the bunker with the flash drive, there are optional tasks that you can ask Sidorovich for:

The deal with the military

This task can be combined with Get Wolf the dynamite and Help your fellow rookies since they all send you to the same general location. Ask Wolf why he's serious to get the task, and complete helping the fellow rookies until you get the Inspect the tunnel task. It's also best to do this task right away as there is a possibility that Loners will kill the soldiers early in the game. If that happens, make sure you get the modified Fort-12 from the Major.

This mission is a simple matter of taking a ZAZ 965 Humpback to the bridge and back again. However, there's several steps you have to follow to complete the mission. First, you have to "Get a bag of artifacts from Wolf". Pretty straight forward — walk over and ask him for his box of artifacts. Take the box/bag to the front of the Humpback, which is parked on the west side of the red brick house southwest of Wolf. The default control for opening the trunk is 0 (zero) on the numeric keypad (and not Tab). Open the trunk and put the artifacts in.

NOTE: From time to time, the vehicles will act up and not move forward when you accelerate. I've also had the ignition and trunk not work. My fix is to save, quite the game, and boot it up again. You can sometimes reload the save, but I usually end up re-booting the game. Also, going in reverse after starting the engine can be an issue. But if you go forward just a bit, then you can back up.

Next, you have to find some petrol. There are two cans that I know of, one in the northeast building of the car park (northeast corner of the garage) and the other in the east building of the granary (southwest corner). Take one or both back to the Rookie Village, stand behind the Humpback, and press Del or . (period) on the numeric keypad. If you have trouble figuring out which key it is, check the options. You can put both cans in the Humpback so they don't count toward your backpack weight, or the weight limit of the trunk. Stand next to the Humpback and press F to get in. Press 0 on the numeric keypad to start and stop the engine.

As you leave the camp, take the hill at an angle or you may not make it to the road. Then, turn left and drive to the bridge. Approach the commander from the south on the east edge of the road. Get as close as you can, then get out and take the artifacts out of the trunk. Give them to the commander and the weapons are automatically put in the Humpback. Then, drive back and give them to Wolf, again, getting as close as you can. Give Wolf the weapons and go collect your reward from Sidorovich. If you ask for another special mission, he sends you to Agroprom to steal the case from the military.

Find the guitar

Sidorovich sends you out to find his guitar that he loaned out and never got back. Talk to the Loner at the west gate and he'll send you to another Loner somewhere in the camp. The second Loner gives you a clue. Here are the places I've found it so far:

Take it back to Sidorovich for your reward.

The military at the anomaly

Sidorovich sends you back to the ravine where some soldiers are standing guard. Before you go, be sure you have three loaves of bread, two sticks of sausage, and a bottle of vodka. Go to the soldier on the northeast side of the ravine (closest to the bridge) and ask him what they are doing there. He will ask for the snacks, and if you don't have them, you have to go back to the village and buy them (if you can find everything). Once you give the soldier the snacks, he tells you that they found a rare artifact and are guarding it. Go back to Sidorovich and report. He then sends you back to steal the artifact, which is inside the rusted truck cab. Be sure you have some anti-rad before you leave the bunker. As far as I can tell, you have these options:

  1. Kill all the soldiers, then go get the artifact.
  2. Run in, grab the artifact, and run back out. Once you pick it up, you take on radiation, psi holograms spawn (what I call a Psi Anomaly), and the soldiers start firing.
  3. Go back to the soldier that you gave the snacks to and offer to get the artifact (1). Once you pick it up, you take on radiation and psi holograms spawn that can turn you into a zombie if they hit you. Instead of bringing the artifact to the soldier, keep going until you can give it to Sidorovich. However, the soldiers follow and attack the village.
  4. Go back to the soldier that you gave the snacks to and offer to get the artifact (2). Once you pick it up, you take on radiation and psi holograms spawn that can turn you into a zombie if they hit you. Give the artifact to the soldier and walk away. Go back to the cement drain pipe, into the ravine, and use the large tank as cover to kill the soldiers. Three or four F1 grenades is all it takes. When you loot the soldier with the artifact, you don't pick up any radiation.

Give the artifact to Sidorovich to complete the task and get your reward. However, I have had games where Sid didn't take the artifact and it stayed in my backpack for the remainder of the game.

Mercenaries at the Cordon

Sidorovich gives you a microphone and sends you to the Garbage to listen in on the Merc's conversation. The hardest part of this task is avoiding detection. It's best to start from the road in front of the Vehicle graveyard to avoid some heavy radiation in the lower area directly east of the graveyard. If the Bandits are in near the road in the pile of cement blocks, you'll have to take them out so you can pass by along the south end of the swamp. Once you pass the swamp, turn northeast and head toward the dead stalker.

NOTE: If there are mutants keeping you from getting the recording, kill them and retreat back to the road for a while. Otherwise, the Mercs come to investigate and you fail the mission.

When you are directly west of the map location, turn east and find two large green bushes. Go into the bush on the left. As you near the bush you get an update, but continue into the bush to stay out of sight. Open your inventory and double-click the microphone that Sidorovich gave you. A timer starts and you have to stay undetected for about 50 seconds. When the timer runs out, you get another update to report back to Sidorovich.

When you get back to the bunker and listen to the recording, Sidorovich realizes the Mercs have planted a bomb somewhere in the Rookie Village and tells you to find it. The Mercenaries at the Cordon is complete and you get the Protect the camp from the explosion task. As you leave the bunker and approach the village, a timer starts at 3:00. The only problem is, the location changes from game to game. So, these are the locations I've found so far:

It's a good idea to save before you go looking for the bomb in case you don't find it in time, or if you cut the wrong wire (this also changes from game to game). When you find the bomb, pick it up and pick a wire. If it doesn't blow up, the task is complete, and you get a message from Sidorovich telling you to go Kill the mercenaries who planted the bomb.

Back to the Garbage and east of the swamp. Only, this time, stay along the south end of the wooded area, between the hills and tree line. The Mercs will be to the north of you, so make your way to the nearest tree so you have some cover. Throw a few grenades into the area where the Mercs are and, hopefully, wound them all enough that you don't have to fire a shot. Otherwise, you might get a grenade coming your way. When the last Mercenary is put down, you get an update to collect your reward from Sidorovich, which includes some frag grenades and a really nice shot gun.

You can go back to Sidorovich for your reward now or wait until your next visit to Cordon.

Guest at the elevator

After you have completed the first three "personal errands" you can get this task and can complete the first part before leaving Cordon again. When you get to the grain elevator, you get shot and lose about 50% of your health, but then there's a corpse suddenly in the southeast corner of the mill. If there are soldiers at the bridge, they can get you with a grenade, so try to stay out of their site. Loot the body and pick up the sniper rifle to get an update that tells you to take the weapon to Sidorovich.

When you show the gun to Sidorovich, he recognizes the markings on the stock as Barkeep's and tells you to take the gun to him and ask why this guy is trying to kill you. When you confront Barkeep, he claims it's all a mistake and he was forced into arranging a hit on another stalker. Now that the sniper is dead, the deal may go south, leaving Barkeep in a bad spot. He sends you back to the Cordon to finish the job.

The target area is the Military Outpost at the north end of the Cordon. You can wait until your travels take you there. At the outpost, wait near the gate where you can see the hitman crouching behind the wall. Sometimes he gets his target, and sometimes his target gets him. Either way, you have to finish the survivor off and go back to Barkeep to complete the task.

NOTE: If you are approaching the outpost from the south, go directly to the outpost from the train tracks (try not to get delayed by mutants). If you get there too late, you fail the task.

Hunting trophies

This is a set of tasks where you bring Sidorovich mutant parts and he lets you pick your reward. Ask Sidorovich, "I need a job. Do you have something for me?" He gives you some options from the vanilla version, such as Destroy the bandit camp at the Garbage and Kill the bandit leader. One additional option is the Hunting trophies. Unusual hobby task. I'll let Sid explain the task, but when you turn in the trophy, a dialog opens with a list of reward choices for you to pick pick from. Double-click your choice, or choices (depending on how many you qualify for) to move from Trader's items to Your reward and click Take items. You can also click Take money if none of the items interest you. Other tasks are for a cat tail, Pseudodog tail, etc.

NOTE: Sidorovich only takes one of the trophies, so bringing more doesn't get you any more reward.

Kill the stalker

Sidorovich has a contract on Nimble and tells you to take him out quietly. If you kill Nimble while he's in his usual spot, sleeping in the middle house on the north side of the road in the Rookie Village, the others turn on you. If you sprint to the bunker, you'll be safe. But you're no longer welcome in the village. The reward is 25,000 RU, but since the task doesn't get offered until later in the game, it hardly seems worth it. Eventually, Nimble ventures out and I usually find his corpse near the trailer where you saved Tolik at the start of the game. I once saw him get killed by a cat. When I searched him, he had no weapon.

Find the perfected pistol

This is one of the I need a job. Do you have something for me? task that I like to call, Go fetch because that's basically what it entails. Go to the bridge, and either talk to the Major and see if he'll trade (see the NOTE), or kill everyone, loot the Major to get the pistol, and go back for your reward. I like to approach the bridge along the fence near the tracks. Toss a couple of grenades and finish the survivors off with your favorite shooter.

NOTE: The Major wants a Meat Mincer artifact and vodka. I've never seen such an artifact, but I actually got one in Acid's cache, which is the cross between where you save Fox and the Dead stalker's stash. Or I should say, I got a task update. There was no artifact in the cache, but it didn't seem to matter and I was able to trade for the pistol. I tried another cache, but did not get an update. So, if you have Acid's cache coordinates, you can accept the Major's offer. Also, you can't go directly to the Major from the north, or the soldiers will shoot you. Go up the embankment on the west side, along the fence to the bridge, and around the end of the fence to get to the south side.

Find RPG-7

Your PDA may show that this item is located near the crashed helicopter in Wild Territory and you can pick it up when you save Kruglov from Wolfhound. However, if you happen to have one already, you can give it to Sidorovich to complete the task.

Find the set of artifacts

Ask Sidorovich if he has any interesting work and he gives you a list of "dummy" artifacts that you can collect while you move about the Zone. Here is the list and where I usually find them:

Most of these artifacts are found in stashes, so you probably don't need me to tell you how important it is to loot every corpse, even if you know another stalker has beat you to it. When you get the artifacts on the list, take them to Sidorovich and he gives you a SERAFIM suit.

Cover the Duty detachment from the attack of the bandits in the Dark Valley

This might be hard to understand what needs to be done, but it basically consists of stopping the Bandits from attacking the Duty squad. This is done by going back to their base and killing the Bandits as they come out of the front gate. There are a few vantage points to do this from, but you have to go to the front of the base. If you try to go in the back again as you did to get Borov's key, you'll make it harder on yourself to know which Bandits need to be taken out. If one gets away, you won't complete the task.

I prefer to use the small building in the southwest corner of the gas station. It's good cover from grenades, but you have to keep checking the east side of the wall (where the large tanks are) for Bandits coming at you that way. You don't have to kill all the Bandits in the base, just the ones that come out of the front gate. You get a task update when they're all down and can go back to Sidorovich for your reward.

Get Wolf the dynamite

This task can be combined with The deal with the military and Help your fellow rookies since they all send you to the same general location. First, get the artifacts from Wolf, and complete helping the fellow rookies until you get the Inspect the tunnel task.

Ask Wolf why he's so serious and he tells you about a box of dynamite that he needs for an order. Tell him you'll find the box, then head northeast toward the derailed locomotive. The box is in the cab and accessible from the southeast (opposite the tracks). While you're there, loop around either end of the locomotive (avoiding the anomalies) and approach from the northeast. Jump up to the rail and then to the top to find a stash. Take the dynamite back to Wolf and collect your reward.

Bring a bottle of vodka to Tolik

When you save Tolik by giving him a medkit after he and his friends get shot by a military helicopter, he goes back to the Rookie Village and keeps his promise to tell everyone what a great guy you are. Not only can you now go into the village, but you can find Tolik sleeping in the ruins of the house at the northwest corner of the village. He's probably the only green dot on your HUD at this point in the game. Ask him why he's upset and he explains that he's having withdrawn symptoms and needs a bottle of vodka. Agree and give him one to get the location of a crossbow. This will be useful if you plan to complete the Bring crossbow to Plichko task.

To get the crossbow in Wild Territory:

  1. Coming from Rostok, continue west to the covered walkway that held Wolfhound's snipers and find the bush on the left (south) end.
  2. Walk between the bush and the fence to be transported to the other side.
  3. Continue west to the alley on the left with a truck at the end.
  4. Across (southeast) from the truck, find the crossbow and arrows on the ground.
  5. To leave, go back to the open area and to the ladder in the northeast corner that leads to a platform.
  6. Up the ladder, turn around (west) and jump to the garage roof.
  7. Drop down to the truck cab and then to the ground.
Take Fox's docs to Sidorovich

Save Fox and he tells you of a briefcase full of papers he wants you to get and give to Sidorovich. The briefcase is near the southeast corner of the Military Checkpoint. You may want to wait until Sidorovich gives you the Steal the box from the army outpost task. From the Rookie Village, go east until you reach the fence. Turn right (south) and follow the fence until you reach the mine field. Avoiding the white stakes, make your way to the fallen tree and use the tree to get over the fence. Now turn southwest and go to the eastern wall of the checkpoint. Find the large crate and rusted truck cab, and move along them to avoid the anomaly. The briefcase in the bush next to the truck cab. Pick it up and take it back to Sidorovich to get your reward.

NOTE: With this mod, I find it virtually impossible to complete the Steal the box from the army outpost task at Master level without tripping the alarm. I can get the documents, but at some point I have to blast my way out from there. The only way back over the fence is a transformer on a platform in the southwest corner of the compound. To get the documents quietly, use the traditional junk pile > outhouse roof > barracks roof route (it's the only way I've found to get as far as I have). Ideally, this is how I think it's supposed to go. Also, it make take a few tries as the sleeping soldiers seem to wake randomly, look around, and then lay back down. Stay in a low-crouch the whole time:
  1. Jump to the wooden box.
  2. Jump to the very east edge of the rusty cab, i.e., the slanted part.
  3. Wait for the guard to pass the outhouse. I sometimes trip the alarm if I don't wait. It seems random whether the alarm goes off or not. No one spots me (according to the gauge) and I don't make any noise. It just goes off.
  4. Move along the south edge of the cab about halfway and jump to the fence top.
  5. Jump to the south edge of the outhouse roof.
  6. Move west along the south roof's edge, then turn north up to the northwest corner and jump to the barracks roof.
  7. Move into the attic and drop down through the access.
  8. Grab the documents and move toward the doorway, but not so that you can be seen from the next room.
  9. There's another guard in the next room who looks out the window, then looks around the room and back to the window. You can tell by his headlamp.
  10. Wait for the light to turn and move to the entryway. This is as far as I ever get.
  11. Wait for the guard to pass and follow him around the building to the transformer in the southwest corner.
  12. You can stand and jump to the platform, then the top of the transformer, and then over the south fence.
I have to blast my way out the front door and around the east side of the barracks. Once I get to the south side, I save and head for the transformer. I can then use the transformer to get over the fence.

At this point, Sidorovich offers the Find the set of artifacts task.

Old man's daughter

Inside the house where the Humpback is parked in the Rookie Village is an old man looking out the front window, Prokhor. Talk to him to hear his account of the accident and about his daughter. You won't be able to go any further with this mission until you reach Pripyat.

When you get to Pripyat, there's a marker on the west side of the map. I like to wait until I reach the hotel room, then go out the window onto the roof and sprint for cover from the RPGer to the north. Take him out and use the roof of the covered walk to get to the building west of the hotel. Work your way west to the apartment building and go to the south end of the building to find the stairs. Follow the hallway around and up the stairs to the top floor. Go right and follow the hallway on the right to find a doll and a diary. The task updates to Talk to the old man, which means you have to go back to Cordon. But don't make a special trip as you may be going back as part of the Total recall task.

In Cordon, talk to the old man to learn what may have happened to the girl and complete the task. A message displays telling you that you can now sleep in the rain and the Zone will protect you.

Help your fellow rookies

This task can be combined with The deal with the military and Get Wolf the dynamite since they all send you to the same general location. First, get the artifacts from Wolf, and ask Wolf why he's serious to get the task.

This is actually a series of task and covers three maps. The first task starts when you talk to Vasya Schukin in the house on the west end of the Rookie Village. He asks you to help him and his brother, Petya, retrieve something, but won't tell you what. Follow Vasya south over the hill to the refrigerator and talk to him again. Then, step back. When Vasya opens the door, he's blown up. Pretty soon another stalker comes over the hill named Troll, who explains that he booby-trapped the refrigerator. After the conversation with Troll, go back to Petya and ask if he's alright. Agree to escort him back to the house. This gives you the Protect the youngest of the brothers task.

Follow Petya back to the house. When Troll shows up, blow him away, which you can't do until he hits Petya at least once. But don't let Troll kill him or you'll fail the task. With Troll down, talk to Petya again and he tells you of a possible artifact in the train tunnel to the northeast. This gives you the Inspect the tunnel task.

Go to the right side of the train cars, staying against the fence to avoid radiation, to see colored lights bouncing around. Go over and pick up the Cheburashka (Russian for teddy bear). As you walk away from the tunnel, you get a message to look in your backpack. Open your backpack and double-click on the Cheburashka. Be careful how you click through the conversation or you may fail the task. First, click Hi, and when the next choice displays, click Who is he?. Agree to help the bear find its owner, Kolya, and this gives you the Find the stalker task. The next step is to go to the Bar and find a stalker named Tail, who might be able to tell you where Kolya is. See Bar Tasks and Dead City Tasks for the rest of the task.

The Mystery of Old House

You get this task from Musician in the Rookie Village after you give him vodka and ask him what he's looking for. The Cherburashka gives you hints to look on the roof, tree, car, and electrical thing for four parts:

  1. Skull — Go to the truck that has crashed into the fence on the east side of the yard. Look just behind the cab and above the fuel tank on the driver's side to get the "Search the box" message.
  2. Leg — Climb on top of the truck's cab and use the tree to get to the roof. Look in the chimney to get the "Search the box" message.
  3. Hand — Use the truck once more to get on top of the fence and walk north to the utility box. Look at the top section to get the "Search the box" message.
  4. Rib cage — Go to the tree in the southwest corner of the yard. From the west side, jump up to the first limb. Walk up a little and jump back to the southwest onto the next limb. Turn back toward the house and look toward the trunk of the tree to get the "Search the box" message.

    Give the bones to the Musician, which spawns a Pyrogeist that exits the house and flies through the village until someone kills it. Talk to Musician one more time to complete the task.

Find the artifact for the wounded stalker

Ask Wolf about the situation around the camp and he tells you of an injured Loner. Go to the western root cellar and talk to Healer, who eventually tells you the Loner needs a Meat Chunk artifact. Accept the task and get the Find the artifact for the wounded stalker task. Give Healer the artifact and he works on the Loner, then steps back. Go talk to the Loner and he gives you the Find Veteran's cache task, which is marked on your PDA, and then he dies.

When you get to the cache location, you meet Healer again. He bargains with you and offers you the cache contents in exchange for an artifact. This gives you the Find the "Stone Flower" artifact for Healer task. Give Healer the artifact and he tells you of a tablet that he threw on top of the barn. The easiest way to get onto the roof is to part a vehicle near one of the lower sections and jump from the top of the vehicle to the roof. You can use the truck that's there, but you'll pick up some radiation (not enough to spoil any food in your inventory). The tablet is located on top of the south wall of the larger section where there's a hole in the roof. Pick up the tablet and double-click it in your inventory to read it. When you finish reading, you get the following task series:

  1. Get the first part of the map including Safe of Digger, Digger's weapon, A Strange Anomaly, and Anomal engine. You can start this on your way back through Cordon to Garbage.
  2. Get the second part of the map including The Anomaly in the Tower, Meet Oneeyed, Take Oneeyed's flash from the band's stash, Retrieve your stuff, Kill bandit Kaligula. You need the crossbow in Wild Territory before you can start this task.
  3. Get the third part of the map including Dangerous Science: Find the group, Dangerous Science: Get a map, and Dangerous Science: Inspect the signal source.
  4. Get the forth part of the map including Flea's Hideout, Ferret out information from the prisoner, The struggle at the Sawmill, Talk to Zaharich, and Flying Islands.
  5. Get the fifth part of the map
Get the first part of the map

Safe of Digger

Go see Yura the Digger in the farm house where you meet Fox. He asks you to open the safe before he will give you the flash drive. Cheburashka's hint is a cryptic way of saying that the combination consists of numbers associated with the letters on the front of the safe. You won't see the letters until you press the action key (F). Still not getting it? Press the Esc key and look for four numbers associate with O.G.S.E. No? Okay, I'll tell you: 0693. Open the safe, take the book, and offer it to Yura. Yura tells you that Vaska Podaypatron has it and is located near the Duty checkpoint in Garbage and you get the Meet Vaska Podaypatron task. Ask Yura how's life in general and you get the Digger's weapon task.

Digger's weapon

NOTE: This, in my opinion, is a total waste of time. You do get some fancy artifacts out of it, and a modified RP-74. But again, not really worth it.

Yura gives you his broken RP-74, which adds 7 kg to your inventory and you can't use it, stash it, or sell it. You must carry it until you get to the Bar. You find Bruise just inside the Arena door. Talk to him and he asks you for another drink. However, if you give it to him, he falls asleep, you have to wait for him to wake up, and there's a chance that Digger won't talk to you when you take the weapon back (i.e., it breaks the task). Instead, tell him, "No drink..." and he fixes the RP-74, stating that he forgot something.

Take the gun back to Yura who tells you it still isn't right and sends you back to Bruise. Again, Bruise claims he forgot something and claims the gun is now ready. Once more, Yura isn't happy and sends you back to Bruise. This time, Bruise swaps Yura's gun for another. This time, you get back to Yura just in time for him to get killed by a Bandit and the task fails. It is possible to save Yura, but that breaks the quest. Get Yura's PDA and open it to download into your PDA. Then go to Diary > Log > Found PDA to see a record of an engine Yura found. This is a continuation of the task, although it doesn't appear on your Task list. However, there is a spot marked on the Agroprom map that says, "Anomal engine".

NOTE: Digger's RP-74 has a 150-round magazine and higher rate of fire. The down side is that you can't use a toolbox to fix it. Only mechanics can repair the gun.
A Strange Anomaly

The Safe of Digger task sends you to Garbage, where you find Vaska at the Flea Market. When you approach him, he goes through some antics before you can talk to him. He then explains that he is trying to get the artifact out of a Bubble anomaly. Accept the challenge to get the Strange Anomaly task. Approach the artifact to be teleported back out. This triggers the Cherburashka to offer a hint. Also, the area is now surrounded by portals. The Cherburashka tells you to find the right sequence of four portals.

The trick is to try them all and listen for the one that makes a different sound than the rest. Once you find the first one, repeat the process to find the rest in sequence. In other words, go through the first portal that makes a different sound, then try another portal. If it makes the same sound as the others, go back to the first portal, and then try another. Each attempt must start with the first portal and progress through the sequence until you have all four. Additionally, each correct portal makes a unique sound from all the others (in sequence).

Note that there may be one or two portals that require you to climb up onto debris or the sculpture where Vaska is sitting, and jump through. Also, if you wind up on the roof, walk off the north edge and into the shelter where the artifact is. Give the artifact to Vaska and he gives you the flash drive to complete the Get the first part of the map.

Anomal engine

This task does not appear on the PDA Task list, but is marked on the Agroprom map when you complete the Digger's weapon task.

The engine is located in the Agroprom Underground in the first room at the bottom of the stairs. There are actually two engines, but one has been disconnected from the fan. From the spiral stairs, go through the hallway and into the room. Continue south until you reach the last pillar in the center of the room and turn right to see the engine. To give it more power, as Digger's PDA suggests, use any one of the Electro artifacts: Sparkler, Flash, or Moonlight. Oddly, Battery artifacts don't work. Do not take the artifact directly off your belt, but instead, take it from your backpack and put it in the second weapon spot. Position yourself anywhere near the engine and deploy the artifact. When the artifact becomes an Electro anomaly, several artifacts fall out of an opening in the duct work overhead.

Be sure to check that none of the artifacts get stuck on the wires running along the wall. The types of artifacts seem to be random, so it's a good idea to save before deploying the Electro artifact in case you can't use the ones you get on the first try.

Get the second part of the map

The Anomaly in the Tower

The Get the second part of the map task requires you to talk with Petrenko, and the only way to get to him is to complete the Bring crossbow to Plichko task.

As you leave the building after speaking to Petrenko, a Bandit calls to you and asks for a conversation. Agree, follow him as he moves away from the doorway, talk to him, and he eventually tells you where you can meet One-eyed. This gives you the Meet Oneeyed task. As you go north on the road leading to Army Warehouses, a dead body appears on your HUD on the right. This is One-eyed, or what's left of him. As you approach the body, a Bandit calls out, which means get behind the tree for cover. Three Bandits ambush you from the west side of the road. Take them out and loot them to find a PDA. Double-click the PDA to learn that the flash drive is in a stash behind the Bar. This gives you the Take Oneeyed's flash from the band's stash task the area is marked on your map.

Take the road south to the dump truck and examine the stash box in the bed. Also, notice the messages coming from the Duty checkpoint. When you take the flash drive, you get knocked out and wake up in a cell with all your equipment gone. A Duty officer named Major Jivoderov questions you and decides not to execute you for being a thief because he has a hangover. Instead, he releases you without your stuff and gives you five hours to leave the area. You spawn on the road leading south to Garbage with the Retrieve your stuff task. For this, you must talk with Voronin, who gives you the Kill bandit Kaligula task.

The Kill bandit Kaligula task requires you to pick a fight with Kaligula, who is drinking at the Bar. He challenges you to a fight in the Arena with the weapon of your choice. Kaligula drops an artifact when you kill him. Pick it up and report back to Voronin, who offers to buy it from you. If you play hardball, he ups the offer, or keep it.

Voronin tells you that the major is gotten into trouble in the water tower and sends you to help him.

  1. Go into the water tower (with some Kefir if you have it), up the stairs, and find Jivoderov on his knees overcome by a mysterious sound.
  2. When you exit the tower, a Stalker named Tykar waves you down and tells you how to turn the device off that is making the sound and gives you a bottle of extra-strength moonshine. The Cheburashka can also tell you how to do it.
  3. Go to the opposite (south) side of the Arena building and use the ladders to get to the roof.
  4. Cross the roof and take the right ramp to the catwalk.
  5. Go into the tower and left around to the device sitting on a circular window ledge.
  6. Use the moonshine.
  7. Access the device, which already has the top button pushed.
  8. Click each button going down, and then click the bottom-right button.
  9. Repeat the sequence to turn off the device.
  10. Talk to Jivoderov on the stairs and then following him out of the tower.
  11. Talk to Jivoderov again once you're outside the tower and he gives you your stuff back, including the No. 2 flash drive.
Get the third part of the map

Get your reading glasses on for this one, there's a lot of dialog. The first part of the task is to find Radioman in Yantar. Instead, you find Private Epifahtsev in the bunker. If, at any time, any of your conversations with Private Epifahtsev is interrupted by a Zombie or Snork, you can start over after dispatching the intruder. Epifahtsev tells you that Radioman is missing and agrees to take you to the spot, giving you the Dangerous Science: Find the group.

Epifahtsev takes you up the hill north of the bunker near an anomaly that the group was studying. When he stops, talk to him again and he begins to search the area, starting from the anomaly going west along the south wall of the factory complex. When he get near the garages, the private stops and picks something up off the ground. Talk to him again and he tells you it's a coded note from the missing group. Then he states that he needs the commander's map, giving you the Dangerous Science: Get a map task.

Go back to the bunker and look for the commander's diplomatic case so you can open his stash box. The case is under the west ramp of the shelter with the Goatling, located at the south end of the bunker complex. Look on the south side of the ramp near the spot where the ramp meets the shelter. Open the case to get the key, and then go into the bunker and examine the stash box across from Sakharov. Take the map and go back up the hill to find the private, again. You may now use the stash box for your stuff.

Ask Private Epifahtsev what brought him to the Zone, and then tell him you brought him something. He takes the map, declares that the group is still alive, and tells you to follow him. He runs west along the ridge of the hill, stops, and takes out some binoculars. When he puts them down, talk to him and he gives you the Dangerous Science: Inspect the signal source task. Go down the hill to the smoke pillar. When you get there, lights start dancing around you, and then a soldier appears. He may get up and punch you if you don't holster your weapon. Talk to him to learn the group is in a place called Wonderland and needs a prototype. Notice that his name is also Private Epifahtsev. When you offer him a med kit, Epifahtsev (the first) shoots him. Go back up the hill and ask him why he shot the survivor, the conversation breaks down, and he runs off. Follow him until he gets to the northeast area of the map, where he stops. Oddly, if you get stopped by a mutant or zombie, Epifahtsev stops and waits for you to start following him again.

Talk to Private Epifahtsev again and he tells you the whole story about what happened to the missing group. He also tells you that Radioman has a backup prototype generator in a stash back at Rostok. You now have the Dangerous Science: Final accord task. During the last conversation with Epifahtsev, he mentions that the stash with the prototype is in Rostok near the trains, which is actually Wild Territory. Your map shows three general locations along the railroad tracks. You have to search for a backpack that's not a known stash, i.e., not a vanilla-game stash. Most commonly, on the southeast underground ramp near the Secret stash in the pipe is located, or on the ground between the railway wagons and northwest platform. Also, in the southwest section inside the little shack that is outside the train hanger door where you can go up a ramp to the top of a train car. These are the only locations I know of.

NOTE: The stash should have a note and the prototype. If the prototype is missing, you have to start the task over and roll back to a save before you start talking to Private Epifahtsev.

The prototype only works with a Veles detector, and only needs to be in your inventory. If you're lucky, you may have one from a stash (e.g., the Assistant's Stash in Yantar). Otherwise, you'll have to come back to this later. Keep this in mind when you get the BTR running as you may need it for the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt task.

As Radioman's instructions state, using the prototype at the wrong frequency will ruin your equipment. So stash your guns and suit first (it doesn't affect food, knives, nightvision, etc.). These are the Dark Zones I've found beside the one in Yantar:

To use the prototype, pull out your Veles, press K on your keyboard, and walk toward the anomaly until you hear a strange sound. Scan through the frequencies using the greater than (>) key, followed by the Enter key, until the scanner beeps, letting you know that you're at the correct frequency. You either see a message telling you an artifact is detected, or the anomaly is recharging. If it's recharging, move on to the next Dark Zone. You may have to come back to this one later. If an artifact is detected, look around for it. If it disappears before your grab it, try the Enter key again. The artifact usually appears in the same spot.

Once you have all three artifacts, go back to Private Epifahtsev, talk to him, and he takes the artifacts to work on the generator, which suddenly spawns right next to him. He says the work will take some time, but it only takes him a few seconds. The generator weighs 10 kg, so be sure you can take that much. Pick it up and stand at the edge of the anomaly, but not in it (remember that it damages your equipment). Ask Epifahtsev if you're in the right spot and he tells you to set it down there. When you drop the generator from your inventory, you black out, and then come to. Pick up the pipe on the ground in front of you.

There are three possible outcomes:

  1. Let the private (who is really Radioman) destroy the generator. If he destroys the generator, the group is lost forever. Talk to him and threaten to tell Sakharov. He gives you the flash drive but becomes hostel and you have to kill him.
  2. Use the pipe to stop him (your primary and secondary weapons have moved to your backpack. The group spawns and the captain arrests the private. Talk to the captain to get the flash drive.
  3. Kill him with the pipe. If you kill him, the group spawns and may fire on you. If they shoot at you, just reload the last save, which is automatic when they spawn. Talk to the captain to get the flash drive.
Get the forth part of the map

Flea's Hideout

This task is only activated by completing the Find the artifact for the wounded stalker task. As you approach the Darkscape Sawmill, you get a radio transmission about Bandits and a task update, Meet with the Searchers in the Darkscape. Go into the east building and talk to Simply Yuri, who is sitting on a ledge along the west wall, and ask him what's going on. You have the following conversation options:

Talk to Zaharich

Zaharich's house is east of the Sawmill. Ask if anyone has been there to see him to start a long conversation. Finally, Zaharich gives you a book about the Black Stalker that you have to read. You can just click through it to the end to get Zaharich's instructions, which are to go to the hill southwest of your location, only he means, "southeast" (it's marked on your map). While you're there, check for a record and ask about Zaharich's riddles.

Before you go to the mark on your map, I recommend clearing the area northwest of Zaharich's cabin of mutants. Then go to where the Black Stalker is waiting. He tells you to protect him and the dog as they lead you to the Light artifact. At one point, the dog stops. Ask Black Stalker what's going on and he tells you the dog picked up a scent. Then the dog starts off again. The next time the dog stops, it's an ambush by two or three unknown Stalkers. There are four ambushes in all and if the dog dies, you die. So be sure to quick save and reload your weapon after each ambush. Also, stay with Black Stalker and wait to loot the dead Stalkers until later when you return to the Flying Islands.

At the last ambush, Black Stalker runs north to a glowing grave marker. Follow him until he stops and talk to him. Wait while he goes in to get the Light artifact and talk to him again. Then follow him to Zaharich's and talk to him once more to complete the task and move on to Flying Islands.

Flying Islands

With the Light artifact in your inventory, go west to the area marked "Death zone" and walk under the central island with the building on it. There is a portal that takes you to the island south of the building. Jump to the portal directly north (on the south side of the building) and be sent to a boulder cluster and the Cheburashka offers a hint to look for the portal that takes you inside.

Now try again, only jump to the building's west side and try to find the portal that takes you inside the building. Or, jump to the island north of the building that has two portals with one at the top of a dead tree and try that one. Once inside, get the flash drive off of Chatterbox to complete the task. The portals are gone, but walking off the island causes no damage. As far as I know, both artifacts are only good for selling.

Get the fifth part of the map

The first step is to find Owl somewhere in the Army Warehouses. Go to Lukash and ask about him to learn that Owl is with the Prisoners at the Radar group. Offer to look for the group, and refer to that task for the walkthrough. After taking out the Supercontroller, the group leader gives you the flash drive to complete the mission. You now have the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt task and a marker on the southeast side of the Red Forest map indicating a stash with a key.

The Trap at the Gas Station

You don't need any weapons for this task and, if you want all that's in the stash, you need to be able to take on about 34 kg. As you approach the Darkscape Gas Station, the Cheburashka tells you to remember the dispenser numbers. Two of the pumps have numbers over them. Use these numbers (in sequence) to open the safe by clicking each number, and then click the lever below the dial. Talk to Jekan and then open the safe. Put the artifact on your belt to be transported outside. Take notice that this destroys the artifact. This completes the task and you now have the Find the secret bunker task. If you go directly from the Gas Station, consider stopping by the Sawmill to start the Get the forth part of the map task.

Find Strelok's group's stash

There's a few surprises in Agroprom. First, after you save Mole from the military and follow him to the underground entrance, you'll find that the entrance is blocked. Go northeast and follow the wall around (on the outside) until you get to a broken-out panel. Go through the opening and into the center of the four large tanks (Hermit's place in Clear Sky). Consider sprinting out to the trailer in the swamp before entering the underground and get the Help the deserter task. You can get both sets of documents at once.

Next, when you get to Strelok's hideout, the flash drive is in a different spot, but near the original place. And a bloodsucker spawns when you pick the flash drive up.

Third, on your way to the underground exit into the Agroprom Research Institute, there are two Controllers that spawn instead of one Burer. Put a land mine (if you have one) near the doorway as you make your way down the passageway toward the manhole into the complex. Deploy a mine just like an artifact. Put it in either weapon slot and fire.

Finally, if you're like me and prefer to complete the Find the militaries' documents task without killing everyone in the camp, you may find that there are more guards than the vanilla version, and they walk different routes. However, I have had games where this is not the case (or did it in the middle of the day), but then I've rewritten this next walkthrough several times as guard movements seem to change with every game. You may only be able to get to the third floor without firing a shot. But there are possibly two guards in the hallway of the third floor and I haven't figured out a way to get past them unnoticed. If you emerge from the underground during daylight hours, you're not going to get very far. It's best to double-back and find something to do until at least 18:00 (you can sleep in the underground). Some guards are still moving around the front of the building until 23:00, and if you finish the mission before 20:00, they call in a helicopter gunship to make your escape even more challenging, so later is better. The best time to start this task is at, or after midnight. Also, you can use a silenced weapon without setting the alarm off. But you must get a clean headshot.

Here's my walkthrough:

  1. From the manhole out of the underground, quickly walk (don't sprint) south to the closes Quonset hut, then east to the other one and wait for two guards to pass. There's one guard that sometimes comes between the Quonset huts and if you're anywhere but at the north end of the east building, he'll see you.
  2. Low-crouch west to the road that leads to the main building, then south to the first shipping container and save. If you don't low-crouch the timing will be off and a guard coming out of the main building will see you.
  3. Low-crouch south along the west side of the container and continue west between the buildings.
  4. Low-crouch south between the buildings staying along the east building until you pass the first shipping container, then to the west building and into the doorway at the south end. If you're attempting this before 23:00 and plan on collecting anomalous bolts, this is a good time to grab the one in this building. After 23:00 you may encounter two guards in the room with the bolt and you may have to pass on it for now (you can complete the task without it).
  5. Save again and (before 23:00) wait for the guard to come from the south end of the building, past the doorway, and head for the front gate. After 23:00, don't wait.
  6. Low-crouch south to the fence around the storage tanks, then east until you get to the far curb.
  7. Turn west and back up until you can just see which way the guard in the southwest tower is facing as he turns in a circle from left to right. You may want to take a step forward to be sure you're hidden by the tank.
  8. When he turns north, crouch along the south wall of the main building and follow the wall to the left so that you're out of sight from the tower and save.
  9. Low-crouch along the south wall and go right up on top of the spool. But then you have to jump (still in a low-crouch) up on the window ledge. Strange, because the ledge is a shorter distance. Anyway, before 23:00, wait for the guard in the front hallway to move west past the opening into the hallway. After 23:00, don't wait (there's no guard in the front hallway). Move west along the ledge to the open window with no frame as it's just a big enough opening to get through.
  10. Low-crouch into the front hall, and into one of the stairwells. I've had games where there was a guard on the east stairs, and other games where he was on the west stairs. The stairwell on the first floor is a safe spot to save. If one side doesn't work, try the other.
  11. Now low-crouch up the stairs to the landing and up three steps. Stand straight up to see if the guard is visible. If not, crouch the rest of the way up and continue to the next landing before the third floor.
  12. This is as far as I get without shooting. If your timing is right, you can eliminate the guards with a single grenade, grab the box, and get back to the roof using the east stairs. It's about this time that Mole contacts you with the Find out what help Mole needs task. Also, if you're collecting Records, there's one on the east shelving unit in the room with the box. Then, down the ladder, out the back fence, and over the hill.

Before you leave Agroprom, you may want to see Mole. For a walkthrough of the vanilla game, see my Lost Alpha walkthrough.

Help the deserter

I find this is much easier to do in combination of the Find the militaries' documents task, or after helping Prokhorov get to Cordon at the end of the Owner of the Dead City task. The task starts with the deserted soldier hiding in the swamp. Talk to him and offer to help him get to Sidorovich.

First, you must leave him to find some clothing so he can change out of his uniform. A leather jacket, sunrise suit, or tourist suit works. I haven't tested all of them, but you should get an update when you acquire the right outfit (check your PDA's task list). You get a new sunrise suit when you find Strelok's hideout. However, the deserter won't take it until you come back with the document about the transition point to the Cordon. This is in the blue stash box on the third floor of the Agroprom Research Institute. You must open the document to get the task update.

With the document and clothing, go back to the deserter and tell him you have everything. Now head southeast to the new transition point, which takes you to the Marshes (a.k.a., Great Swamp). You can use a vehicle or go on foot. The transition point to Cordon is directly south of where you spawn. Here, you spawn on the north side of the tracks. If you waited until after helping Prokhorov, you can just drive under the bridge and down the road to the Rookie Village. Otherwise, you have to loop around the military to the east and cross the tracks where the radiation is high. Hopefully, you don't kill your passenger if you go that way (assuming you're driving). But any food you have may get spoiled unless it's in the trunk.

Go straight to Sidorovich's bunker and tell him the situation with the deserter. He agrees to let the guy stay, but you have to tell the deserter before the task is complete.

Find out what help Mole needs

At some point during your time in Agroprom, usually while stealing the military's documents, Mole radios you to come see him. He's held up in the factory complex and may still be fighting the military. When you ask him what he needs help with, he tells you about a box of ammo he needs you to get for him in the Garbage Underground. I suggest completing this before moving on to the Bar, just to get it out of the way. You can also wait until the Resolve the situation with the prisoner at the Agroprom task and pick up the boxes on your way from the Bar.

There are actually four boxes of ammo, each weighing 18 kg. So, strip down to your undies. Or, wait until you get the UAZ 469 (Goatling) with enough capacity to hold all three boxes. This vehicle is located along the right side of the road just after the Garbage transition point to Bar.

Starting from the garage south of the depot, go down the ladder that's just inside the door and check the shelves behind you. Then, turn east and then take the passage going north. There are usually three boxes in the underground that are placed in different locations, but sometimes only two.

On the left is a little alcove with green shelves. Check the bottom shelf. Continue north and check the bin on the right just before the two stacked truck tires. Next, continue down to the end of the passage and check on the right of the control panels. Go back towards the tires to the intersection and take that passage west. Check the top of the three large wooden crates on the right. Continue on a few steps and check the crates on the left.

NOTE: The garage next to the depot is a safe place to park your car when you go to the Dark Valley. Taking it just gets in the way and you'll get another one while you're there.

The remaining box or boxes are at the east end of the garbage heap on the east side of the road. You're going to take on some radiation, so bring some anti-rads or B-190. I had nine Fireballs (radiation -20 each) on my belt and still wasn't enough.

The south side of the heap is curved in with a group of bushes at the southeast corner. Use that as a starting point to go north up to the top and find the white structure with a ladder going into a hole. Climb down the ladder and take your first anti-rad when you reach the first platform. Check for a box at the bottom of the hole on the southwest corner of the structure you just climbed down.

There's a tunnel off the shaft to the east with a small room containing food and a record. Check in the northeast corner. You can continue on through the bus to another opening on the north side of the heap.

Take the ammo back to Mole and ask him to take the ammo. After he takes the last box, ask him what he'll give you out of the boxes and he offers you your choice as a reward.

Barkeep Optional Missions

Bartender friend

Ask Barkeep if he has any personal errands for you and he gives you this task as one of the options. This task takes you to the Dark Valley, so it's best to ask Barkeep for it before going on the X18 mission. Go to the bandit camp first where you'll see two corpses below the west tower. Take the sniper in the tower out and then go find Shvid's PDA next to the two corpses. This tells you that Barkeep's friend is being held in a trailer, which is north of the factory. You can go up to the trailer, even inside. If you do go inside, you may notice that one hostage is hostile and you might need to put him down if he comes at you.

It's best to clear the Bandits out of the X-18 building first. Once you free the captives, they often get distracted by any nearby enemies and you can't complete the task. Find a good shooting spot. I prefer the retaining wall northwest of the trailer so the kidnappers are lined up for shooting. Another option is to go to the northeast corner of the factory roof to snipe them. Once you start firing, a timer starts at 1:29. This is how long you have to stay alive and keep Barkeep's friend alive, too. Unfortunately, he comes out of the trailer and often gets killed.

Sometimes one well-placed F1 grenade is all it takes, as close to the cement slabs as possible. Too close to the trailer rigged with explosives and you kill the prisoners. Once Shvid is free, go talk to him and you can get your reward from Barkeep next time you're at the Bar. Now go on to X-18.

Resolve the situation with the prisoner at the Agroprom

Someone suggested saving this task until after you become friends with the Military (following Owner of the Dead City) and have free access to the complex. According to them, once you speak to the prisoner, the guards open fire and the Military is once again hostile. So, be ready for that. It's a matter of whether you want the Military hostile for the rest of the game, or take advantage of them being friendly.

A very important stalker is being held by the military in Agroprom and you have to free him before the military finds out who he is. I've never tried this without a car, so I don't know if there's enough time to sprint from one side of Agroprom to the other. That would take a few energy drinks. Also, I like to use a shotgun with slugs, a sniper rifle for the guards in the towers, and a few grenades.

When you get to Agroprom, Barkeep radios you that a transport heli is on the way and you only have six minutes to get the stalker. This starts a timer at 6:00. Follow the road until you get to the truck in the road and turn left going just past the van. Pass the fallen tree to the left (east) and turn right to stay parallel with the fence. As you come over the hill, you'll see where another fence starts. Stay just to the right of it (so you're between the two fences) and go up to the top of the hill so you're south of the Agroprom Research Institute. Stop the car and take care of any mutants that may have followed you, then save. Take your sniper rifle and go north over the hill to the wall. Take out the guard in the west tower, then through the opening in the wall and toss a grenade toward the east gate. Keep it close to the building to set off a secondary explosion. Take out the guard in the east tower and sprint to the far-left window in back.

Switch to the shotgun and toss a grenade through the window so that it goes through the open door and lands in the hallway. After the grenade goes off, take one step back from the wall, crouch-jump to the window ledge, and low-crouch through the window. Toss another grenade into the hallway and get to the door, staying out of the blast field of the grenade. Check the hallway and outside the building, then sprint to the west stairs. Go up to the second floor and move carefully around the corner. Take out any guards in the hallway and the one guarding the stalker. Then, talk to the stalker and agree to lead him out.

The stalker does not follow until the hallway on the first floor is clear. When you get to the front door, don't be surprised by more soldiers spawning before your eyes as a helicopter flies over. When the way seems clear, tell the stalker to follow you and lead him out the front door and around back to the car. Get in the car and when you see the green indicator on your minimap, that means he's in the car with you (only you can't see him). Take him to Mole's group and talk to the stalker indicated on your minimap to complete the second part of the task. Then, go back to Barkeep for your reward.


As Barkeep why there's no music and he asks you to keep an eye out for records. These are scattered around the Zone and can actually be found before taking the task. The only reward is listening to them when you bring them back to the Bar. If you look at the jukebox, there are nine slots to fill. Here is a list of record locations:

When you return to the Bar with one or more records, walk up to the jukebox and press action to load them. You can listen to them if you want.

Food delicatessen

This is pretty much the same as Sidorovich's Hunting trophies tasks where Barkeep asks you for mutant parts that are relatively easy to come by.

Voronin Optional Missions

Bring crossbow to Plichko

When you first talk to Plichko, who guards the entrance to the Duty base at Rostok, and tell him you have valuable information for the commander, he offers this task. However, going to the Freedom base (as Plichko suggests) seems to be a waste of time because there's no way to get past the guy guarding the weapons. Talking to him doesn't work. I hit him with an RPG and didn't seem to hurt him, so you can't kill him. Unless you happen upon a crossbow in a stash, or completed the Bring a bottle of vodka to Tolik task, I'm afraid I can't help you with this one. But it's best to complete this and get Voronin's first task before you go to Army Warehouses to avoid some back-and-forth.

Find the item — Enhanced Pistol

NOTE: This is the same as the Enhanced Rifle task of the vanilla version.

Go to the northwest corner of the map, take out the Mercs, and grab the pistol. Be aware that there is a trader in the southeast corner of the area and not part of the Merc group. Take the pistol back to Voronin for your reward.

Obtain a M202 from Freedom

NOTE: This is the same as the Bulldog 6 task of the vanilla version and you will even find VOG-25 ammo with the M202.

For this task, you need three bottles of vodka and preferably one Kefir. Go to the guard at the entrance to the Duty headquarters and tell him Barkeep sent you for a special mission. After you talk to the guard, go to the left through the gate in the red brick wall, and then right into the guarded doorway. Follow the passage until you come to a room and go to the left to talk to Voronin. He tells you he wants you to steal an M202 rocket launcher from Freedom and gives you the task.

Go to the Army Warehouses and to the Freedom base. After crossing the bridge, turn right (west) and go to the end of the road. On the right is a long building that has a guy inside sitting on the floor near a post. Go in and talk to him, asking every question until you get to the one about having a drink. After two drinks, ask him about the M202, but he won't tell you. Then have another drink and ask again. This time he tells you there are two in the village. Now it's time for a Kefir and stagger toward the village.

Go to the house marked on your PDA. The M202 is in the basement, along with some VOG-25 ammo. Take the M202 back to Voronin to complete the task.

Protect the security post of the Duty

NOTE:This is the same as the Destroy the herd of fleshes task of the vanilla version. I advise against taking this task as there's a possible bug here where you arrive at the checkpoint only to see the Duty guys killing the herd. If you're lucky, you get an update to report back to Voronin. Otherwise, I think you have to hunt them all down throughout the Garbage, but I've never been able to complete it.
Open Petrenko's safe

The only way to get to Petrenko is to complete the Bring crossbow to Plichko task.

Petrenko is located at the south end of the Duty base. Ask him if he's having any problems and he tells you that he lost the combination to his safe, and that the paper containing the combination is in a briefcase that was lost in the hanger outside the base.

  1. At Plichko's checkpoint, turn left (south) and climb the tower ladder.
  2. Turn right and follow the catwalk to another ladder to the top.
  3. On the top platform, jump to the roof of the hanger, and then drop through the opening. The briefcase is located on the ground next to the northern-most pillar.
  4. Pick it up and open it to find the combination to the safe. The gate at the north end of the hanger is blocked by two containers. However, the container next to the door can be pushed by walking into it.
  5. Get on the west side and push the container east to clear the gate and get back to Petrenko's office.
  6. Open the safe to complete the task and either take everything or leave it, it doesn't matter.
  7. Tell Petrenko the safe is open and he gives you some cash. Ask him if he needs the briefcase and he gives you more cash.
Find the anomalous bolts

This task comes from Snitch in the Bar. He asks for bolts that have become anomalies and to bring them in lots of 20. If you bring them back one at a time, he only gives you 100 RUs each if trade with him to get it. This is the same amount as any trader offers. Using a Veles is the best way to find the bolts. But Sakharov doesn't offer one until after Lab X-16. If you turn in 20 or more to Snitch, he gives you the 30,000 RUs, plus 1500 RUs for any additional bolts.

Here's what I've found so far (it helps to use a detector):

  1. Agroprom — Along the center of the swamp's east bank, inside a pipe. I never would have found it without the detector.
  2. Agroprom — First floor bathroom of the east factory building where Mole is hiding from the military. Go up the stairs to the first door. Inside the door, turn right.
  3. Agroprom — Roof of the north factory building. Either use the ladder to the roof on the north wall, or from inside, go through the skywalk to the north building, turn left, up the ladder to the roof.
  4. Agroprom — West room of the west building in the research complex.
  5. Dark Valley — Bandit base. In the center pit of the smaller garage that runs along the north side of the complex.
  6. Dark Valley — Bandit base. From where you free the Dutyer, go up the stairs, out the window, and turn left (south).
  7. Dark Valley — Bandit base. Where a Goating is parked under the ramp going into the larger garage.
  8. Dark Valley — Northern building of the gas station in the northeast corner of the first floor next to a coal-burning heater.
  9. Dark Valley — Lab X-18 complex. In the small enclosure east of the front gate.
  10. Darkscape — Two along the road just past the neutral Bandit's house (coming from Dark Valley).
  11. Darkscape — Two in Zaharich's No. 17 stash.
  12. Wild Territory — Under the shelter directly south of the helicopter crash.
  13. Wild Territory — In the northwest corner of the map where there's a gate over the train tracks going east and west.
  14. Wild Territory — In the northeast corner of the open area just before you get to the underpass full of Heat anomalies. When you're helping Kruglov get away from Wolfhound, this is where the last group of Mercs are waiting.
  15. Wild Territory — In the southwest section there's a little shack outside the train hanger door where you can go up a ramp to the top of a train car. Inside the shack is a bolt.
  16. Wild Territory — Southwest room inside the train station.
  17. Army Warehouses — Northwest corner of the Freedom base, next to a brick transformer enclosure.
  18. Dead City — West side of town on the south side of the main road is two single-story buildings with ramps. In the northeast corner of the north building.
  19. Dead City — Northwest corner of the room where you meet the Owner of the Dead City. You must kill the mutant first.
  20. Dead City — Directly west of the gym in the open field behind the garages on the road north of the gym.
  21. Dead City — Inside the walled-in area of the gym in the northwest corner is a multi-vehicle garage. In the southwest corner.
  22. Dead City — On the road north of the gym are some garages northeast of the gym complex. Between the second and third one from the east.
  23. Dead City — North of the city on the east side is a boat and small dredging barge. East of the barge and among the bushes. There may also be one on the tug boat.

X-18 Documents
TIP: If you happen upon a Gold Fish artifact, bring it into the lab to trade for one of the documents. I usually find one in Garbage near the Dark Valley transition. Also, most artifacts from a Vortex, Whirligig, or Springboard anomaly work well for getting rid of those pesky X-18 mutants (and saves a lot of ammo). Deploy it on the north side of the elevator (where the area is narrow) on both levels. Another good place is the large room north of the stairs that lead to the Pseudogiant. Poltergeists like to cruse through the northeast corner of the room, where the exhaust fan is in the wall (but Burers don't usually go that way). To deploy an artifact, take it from your backpack (and not directly from your belt), put it as your first weapon (or pistol slot) and hold down the fire button until it's deployed. Then, get away from it before you get sucked in. Some artifacts cannot be deployed this way, such as a Plasma Cactus. But a Stone Blood works really well.

Unlike the vanilla game, X-18 has documents all through it. The first one you encounter is near the first locked door. Turn away from the door to face north and notice there are three doorways, plus a restroom and the stairwell. Take the second doorway on the right. Go through the room at a southeast direction and through the next door. Keep going until you find the hallway going north. On the right is a room with a Comet anomaly and a corpse in the far corner. Loot the corpse to get Part 5.

For the next document, continue down the hallway to get the code for the door, then take the hallway that goes west. Follow the hallway left past the large hole in the wall, then turn right and go into that next room. In the far-left corner is a stalker with Part 3. If you talk to him, he'll offer the document in exchange for 20,000 RUs or a Gold Fish artifact. Unless you have either already, it's easier just to kill him and take the document. However, he's pretty tough and it takes two-three grenades before he goes down. This should be a last resort. I've had games where he helps me leave the lab by going in front of me and killing the soldiers so I can just walk out.

Go through the locked door, down the stairs, and into the room with the elevator. Turn west and go down the hallway, then turn left into the next room. Turn left again into a room with three large shipping containers along the wall on the right (west). Turn north to go past the containers and down some steps into a room with a large device hanging from the ceiling. Near the northwest corner of the room is a light blue stash box with the Part 1 document.

Part 2 is in the dark green stash box in the room where you kill the Pseudogiant and get the code for the second door. In the southeast corner of the large room are some stairs going up to a small room with a table and refrigerator. The last document, Part 4, is in the control room where you get locked in with the Pyrogeist. Before you leave there, be sure to talk to the Dead Stalker for The question of immortality — Part 1 task.

NOTE: If you emerge from the lab and there's no military attack on the building, check tasks on your PDA to be sure that you got all the documents. If you miss one, it breaks the storyline.

There are usually three soldiers on the second floor of the building, and about seven more outside. Once you take them all out, you can help yourself to either Goatling just outside the gate. These are available throughout the remainder of the game, so if one gets damaged or runs out of fuel, you can always trade it in for the other. At some point (I'm not sure when) the Military leaves Dark Valley and you're free to return to the factory. Next, Get out of the Dark Valley.

The question of immortality — Part 1

In the final room of Lab X-18 where you get locked in with a Pyrogeist, there are six chambers along the south wall with one having been knocked over. There is also a neutral stalker indicated on the minimap. Go up to the chamber and talk to the Dead Stalker. After a lengthy conversation, he gives you the task of finding three special artifacts. If you have the Cheburashka from the Help your fellow rookies task, it claims that it can help you by giving you hints as to how to collect these artifacts.

Here are the hints and where I found the artifacts:

When you have all the artifacts, go back to X-18 (and take a Goldfish artifact with you). The lab has spawned a few mutants while you were away. Go to the Dead Stalker and tell him you've found everything he asked for to complete the task. You can either ask him if there's a second part of the request, or if the disorder in the lab has become worse. The second part of the request results in The question of immortality — Part 2. Asking about the lab results in the Little Giant task.

The question of immortality — Part 2

Accept this task and the Dead Stalker gives the artifacts back (with some added radiation) and asks you to take them up to the first floor and throw them into the Fruit Punch anomaly. Then, bring back what results.

At the top of the stairs, go through the first door on the right and keep right until you're at the anomaly, which is inside a square tub. Just stand near the anomaly to get the results (or maybe along the rim), you don't have to do anything until the new artifact appears, then pick it up (it may even appear in your inventory). Take the Black Soul artifact back to the Dead Stalker to complete the task. That's it, just some philosophical statement about having his fate in his own hands.

Little Giant

Assuming you've completed The question of immortality — Part 1, ask the Dead Stalker why the lab's disorder to get this task. Hopefully, you have a Goldfish artifact with you that you can deploy somewhere on the second floor of the lab to take Baby out. But I've used a Fireball, Moonlight, and Meat Chuck before. I also tried a Stone Flower and nothing happened. The trick is, where. If you didn't take my advice about deploying an artifact during your first X-18 visit, Poltergeists are throwing things around the lab and deploying the artifact doesn't always work out where you hoped it would. For this task, the best place I've found is in the hallway with the grated floor. Remember, you have to be able to report back to the Dead Stalker to complete the task, and get out of the lab. See X-18 Documents for instructions on deploying an artifact. If you have already deployed artifacts on this level, you can probably just wait for the task update telling you Baby is no more.

If you've never deployed an artifact before, it's best not to wait until Baby is coming at you. Instead, find a good spot where it's sure to walk through without trapping yourself. Hopefully, Baby will wonder by and fall into the anomaly. Report back to the Dead Stalker to complete the task. Dead Stalker tells you that the artifacts resulting in Baby's demise is your reward. You may have to shoot the artifacts out of the anomaly to collect them all safely.

Get out of the Dark Valley

When you leave Lab X-18, the military has left you two UAZ 469 Goatlings, one on either side of the front gate. Take one of them south to the gate and you end up in Darkscape. The task isn't complete until you get to the other side of Darkscape and move to Cordon, which is in keeping with the storyline of the vanilla version. When you get to Cordon and accept Sidorovich's invitation to stop by, he gives you the Steal the box from the army outpost task, which you're suppose to wait until after dark to perform. If that's the case, or if you just want to see what Darkscape has to offer, there's plenty to do to pass the time.

NOTE: The military soon leaves the Dark Valley factory and you're free to stop by and pick up the remaining Goatling anytime you want. This can save you some RUs on petrol and repairs if you know that ahead of time.

Zaharich is an old man that lives in Darkscape. His house is not on the map, but east of a large rock formation on the map. The easiest way to find him is to take the path that goes southwest of the sawmill full of Stalkers.


After you get through Zaharich's life history, he asks you if you want to do some work. This involves him asking riddles and if you answer correctly, he gives you stash coordinates. If he says he can't remember the riddle he was about to ask you, just keep clicking Old man, ask the riddle until he does. Just be careful not to click too much. It seems that the more questions you answer, the worse his memory gets. If you get the answer wrong, you have to wait even longer before asking again. He may even cut you off at around 15 (out of 20 possible). I use this time to locate the stashes that he's given me. Sometimes he'll give you more after you clear out a few stashes. When you've answered all 20 riddles, he just repeats that he forgot the riddle.

Despite Zaharich's claim that he has marked the stashes on your PDA, they do not show up (at least, not for me). Instead, the stashes are listed in your PDA's Diary. Most just have the hint and one or two have an area circled on a map.

There are 20 stashes in all, but he may not give them all to you (in one playthrough he stopped at 16 despite several attempts). Here are the stashes I've found (with the help of Витёк ЗЗЗ's YouTube video), listed according to the riddle/answer. I've also added a number at the end to use as a guide for cleaning the stashes out starting from the Cordon transition point. Keep in mind that as you're collecting stashes that you will be returning to Darkscape during more tasks.

  1. Cutting grass (8 stalkers) — The canopy is south of the building with the Bandits and the backpack is between two piles of logs at their ends. -11-
  2. Cordon to Pripyat (After 6 days) — The west building of the sawmill is populated by Bandits, but they are neutral to you. Find the two tanks of differing heights. The backpack is on top of the taller tank. To get to it, stand on the empty spool to the east of the tanks and sprint-jump to the shorter tank. -10-
  3. Peel potatoes (70 minutes) — Directly south of the sawmill, at the top of the hill, there are two evergreen bushes. This stash is located under the bush to the west. -7-
  4. Eagle and Geese (36 geese) — I'm not sure parapet is the correct word, more like the retaining wall across the road from the old barn directly south of Zaharich's shack. The backpack is on top of the first pillar from the south (not counting the end pillar). -2-
  5. How old are you? (66 years) — Coming from the Cordon transition point, the "pile of boulders" is on the north side of the first fallen tree on the left (north). The backpack is on the northeast side of the boulders. -1-
  6. Flock of geese (3) — The large tunnel nearest the gas station has a ladder on the left (north facing) side that you can't see until you are almost under it. Look for the break in the ledge at the top. -5-
  7. Crows (18, 10, 8) — Behind (west) the gas station near the southwest corner is a large tree with the backpack on the west side. -6-
  8. Amoebas (59 minutes) — Go to the east side of the railroad bridge and up to the tunnel. There are two bloodsuckers in the tunnel that will not bother you unless provoked. On the north side of the tracks are stairs to get to the top of the bridge. Then, turn left (south) and you should see the backpack on the other side. -16-
  9. Two pockets of roubles (5 and 7 roubles) — On the west side of the bridge going over the creek, there's a fallen tree to the north of the road. Go along the east side of the tree to find the backpack under the foliage. -18-
  10. 2006 antirad tablets (503) — The abandoned farm is really the house with the neutral Bandits (remember Zaharich saying he was run off by Bandits). The backpack is on the roof of the outhouse. You have to jump up on top of the fence to get to it. This one contains five flamethrowers, so you may have to stash a few and come back for the rest. -20-
  11. Cats and rats (3 minutes) — The backpack is on the back deck of the excavator. -4-
  12. Dark Valley cats (8 cats) — Along the dirt road that has the rusted Lada where it meets the paved road, about halfway to the sawmill is a boulder near the cliff face with smaller boulders on the west and north side. The backpack is on the northwest side. -14-
  13. Wet cartridges — (18 rounds) — The only thing I can add to the description is that the backpack is under the foliage part of the tree. -3-
  14. Skins (94 Pseudo dogs, 1 boars, 5 Chimeras) — More like west by northwest. If you end up at the remains of a camp, you're too far north and can follow the cliffs west to a glowing cross (if you did the Get the forth part of the map task, you know where this is). The three rocks are about the size of a Goatling, but not as high. The backpack is in the middle of the three stones. -9-
  15. 30 Bloodsuckers (9) — Under the brown evergreen tree north of Zaharich's house along the fence. -8-
  16. Keg of Beer (35 days) — Starting from the northeast corner of the fence to the sawmill's east building, go east up the hill to a large crotched tree. From the tree, continue east up the hill to a group of evergreen bushes, along with a small tree. The backpack is located on the southwest side of the brown bush's trunk. -13-
  17. Glass of water (The stalker had the hiccups.) — Going north from the railroad bridge is a large boulder off the road on the right, another near the road, and then the two tall boulders side-by-side with a smaller one in front. The backpack is on the ground on the far side from the road. -17-
  18. Dividing loot (200 for each) — Zaharich's directions are a little deceiving as he really means "not far from the farm that is in the north." The boulders are actually just south of the Bandit-inhabited farm/village where the cliff comes out near the road. Look for a flat boulder in front and much larger boulder behind it. The backpack on the north side of the pile. -19-
  19. Controller's fingers (4) — Under the evergreen tree north of the sawmill outhouse. -12-
  20. CNPP (3200 megawatts) — The fork in the road refers to the dirt road leading to the sawmill. The cluster of rocks is northeast of the rusty Lada, i.e., the group on the far right. The backpack is in the middle of them. -15-

Moonshine and the knowledge of the universe

Some of Zaharich's stashes have an item labeled Thing with no value. If you have one, you can ask him to look at it. This leads up to Zaharich asking you to find him a moonshine still in Dead City. Up until this latest version, I could never find anything about this task other than the idea that it was never finished. However, thanks to Mark R. for letting me know the task is now possible.

When you get the task from Zaharich, an "Area to search" appears on one of the northern apartment buildings in Dead City (even before you have access). This is the same building as the Anomalous Kettle. Go up the stairs to the apartment with the green door and find the Note from the Dead City. Pick it up and open it (this spawns a Bloodsucker). It's in Russian, but the search area moves to another building further north.

Go into the north building and find the Draft report behind the sofa in the southwest corner. Open it (a Burer spawns) and the search area moves a short distance to the east. Go in the guard shack and find Sergeant Kuptsevich's note. The search area moves to the water tower and another area with a Russian label appears. Google Translation says, "Lost key". Go out the gate and west toward the Lost key area staying along the wall. Continue past the wall's southwest corner and, just before you reach the bushes, turn left to find the Sergeant's keys.

Now move on to the water tower. Go up the stairs to the large black box with a lock. Examine the lock and try the key. I tried the key several times and finally used Freeman's crowbar. Remove the Crumpled pack (Belomorcanal cigarettes). Read the note and the search area moves to the house in the northeast corner of the city (south of the bridge). If you took out the Controller before, another may be there again. Just inside the door is the cellar access where you find a wooden box that you can examine. Take the distiller back to Zaharich. You can do this on one of your trips to Army Warehouses during the Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier task.

Zaharich promises to give you a taste of his first batch and tell you one secret of the Zone. He sets the distiller on the kitchen counter. Go up to it and press the action key (F). You hear a bubbling sound and then a glass appears. Pick up the glass, go into your inventory, and double-click the glass. After a while, you are transported to the area near the Examine the unknown artifact spot with a message, "Truth...I must find her". Your minimap, bioradar, and status gauges are gone and you don't have access you your PDA or weapons. You're in a Space Anomaly and cannot leave.

  1. Turn around to find a white flame between two evergreen trees. Walk toward it and you get a message in Russian: "No, we are not here, our experiment began after the Chernobyl accident." When you reach the flame, three more flames come into view ahead and another message, "Unfortunately, more than half of the agents die during transportation, as the Zone is very unstable."
  2. Walk to the nearest flame on the left and get, "Anyone who tries to contact the center of the Zone falls under our control."
  3. Two more flames appear to the right (one may be hidden by the smaller of two hardwood trees). Walk to the left flame and get, "You fell out of the mechanism."
  4. Another flame slightly to the right in front of a large hardwood tree with the message, "Our defenses against penetration were considered perfect, but you managed to find a way into existence that we did not suspect."
  5. Then a slight left to the next flame and get, "The choice is yours Strelok."
  6. The next flame is just beyond and near Zaharich's fence. The message is, "So you are here now Stalker. You turned out to be much stronger than we initially thought."
  7. Go inside Zaharich's house and get, "Hello this is Tashkent, I understand, let's go.", along with a task update to talk to Zaharich. The conversation makes little sense (during which he gives you his journal...written in Russian), but the task is complete.
Find the secret bunker

You get this task by solving The trap at the Gas Station task. The forester's hut is Zaharich's place. And by north, Jekan means northeast, and by boulder he means two boulders, and by bushes he means three pine trees.

To find the cave entrance, go north of Zaharich's cabin to the bluff and follow the bluff east. As you travel between the bunker and gas station, don't get too close to the Saw Mill for now or you may trigger the Get the forth part of the map task (unless you've completed it already). When you find the bunker, go in and all the way to the back and talk with Arkadiy. When you explain the situation, he sends you back with the doctor and another guy, Tokarev. This completes the task and gives you the Help the "Cleaners" task.

Help the "Cleaners"

When you finish talking to the doctor, the screen goes black and then the three of you are at the Gas Station. Ask the doctor if he's ready and they follow you in. Inside the Gas Station, I recommend standing in the southeast corner of the room and let the doctor go in to see Jekan. Suddenly, a Duty squad shows up and you have to go out to talk to them. This is a good place to save. Then go inside and talk to the doctor. The correct answer is to stay behind while the rest teleported back to the bunker. As soon as you finish talking with the doctor, move to the southwest corner of the room, next to the safe, for cover. When they leave, Duty turns on you. Kill the first four and another four spawn. This does not effect your relationship with Duty, however. When you encounter them in Dark Valley or Garbage, they are still neutral. You can use the safe as a stash box, which you may need as there's plenty of loot to be had.

When you get back to the bunker, talk to Arkadiy to complete the mission. Of the options he gives you, remember that they destroy artifacts, not give them away.

Help to seriously ill stalkers

This is a good task to do along with Find out what happened with post in Darkscape. Just north of the transition point to the Wild Territory is a group of sick stalkers and a scientist named Malishev. If you go toward Army Warehouses, he sends you a message. Talk to him to find out about another scientist that's been kidnapped and held for ransom. This takes you to the south part of Darkscape, where you find the Mercs holding the good doctor.

As you approach the area, you are warned to proceed slowly. This is where you stop and talk to the leader in the barn. You have to agree to help them with an ambush before they let you take the doctor back to the Bar. This gives you the Capture the officer task.

You now have a detonator in your inventory that sets the bomb off when you double-click it. This is a good place to save because if the officer gets killed, the mission is over and the Mercs do not release the doctor. Set the bomb off before the van reaches the other vehicles and then let the Mercs take care of the guards. Go talk to the officer to get him to go into the barn. Then, go to the southeast corner of the barn and put your primary weapon into your backpack, leaving the slot open.

An APC starts down the road to the east and stops just before it reaches the first vehicle. As the Merc leader tells you to pick up the RPG, one spawns where you're standing. Pick it up, along with the second rocket and hit the APC once in the side. Then, let the Mercs finish it off with their grenades.

NOTE: You can talk to the leader after destroying the BTR, but before all the soldiers are down. So, be sure all the soldiers are down before you leave the barn.

When all the soldiers are dead, talk to the Merc leader again to get the doctor released and some artifacts for your troubles. The Mercs let the doctor go and you can find him in Rostok, just up the road of the sick stalkers (near Oneeyed's corps). Talk to him to learn he's afraid of a mutant and won't move. After the conversation, a bloodsucker spawns and attacks you. Kill it and tell the doctor the bloodsucker is dead to complete the task. He goes to the sick stalkers on his own.

However, the doctor remains a target on your PDA. Go talk to him again and he tells you he needs a Hive artifact. Tell the doctor you're ready to go and you get the Find the Beehive artifact task, along with an SSP-99 Ecologist Suit and a container for the artifact. The doctor then sends you to talk to the one stalker who isn't sick, who in turn sends you to Dark Valley.

In Dark Valley, the island south of the Lab X-18 building is circled on your PDA. There you'll find a dead bandit with the artifact. Put the Eco Suit on and get the artifact. Keep the suit on until you get back to the doctor. Give him the artifact and he tells you that you've been infected, too. After he gives you a shot, the doctor tells you to keep the suit and gives you some artifacts as a reward to complete the task. You can ask one of the sick stalkers how they fell, but it isn't necessary. The group soon leaves the area.

NOTE: In one playthrough I had three Fleshes come at me from Army Warehouses. If I killed them, the Dr. wouldn't talk to me. If I ran back to the Duty checkpoint and they killed the Fleshes, even just one, the Dr. still wouldn't talk. I even stepped into Wild Territory, but they were waiting for me when I came back. The only way around was to continue past the checkpoint and around the corner, wait a minute, then go back to the Dr.
Sakharov Tasks

Find out what happened with post in Darkscape

This is a good task to do along with Help to seriously ill stalkers. In your first conversation with Sakharov, he thanks you for helping Kruglov and asks for your help. If you agree to help, you get this task that sends you to the train tunnel in Darkscape, where you'll encounter a Controller and some zombified scientists. The modders have it set so you can't jump up on the ledge to get into the west end of the tunnel. You have to go to the east side and jump across. Just watch out for the two bloodsuckers in the east tunnel. If you ignore them, chances are they won't notice you and you can save some ammo. Step up to the first ledge, then up into the tunnel, and once more onto the tracks.

There's two spots that I've jumped from successfully so far (and have to take my exo off): sprinting along the narrow catwalk along the south side of the bridge and jumping to the bent beam, or going up the stairs on the north side of the bridge (usually need to jump up the stairs), crossing over to the south side, and sprinting along the top to jump to the other side. Either way, be ready for the Controller to come out for you from a side door on the north, just inside the west opening of the tunnel.

In addition to the Controller, there are three zombified scientists inside the doorway. When the way is clear, go to the back room to pick up a paper off the floor and loot the bodies of the two scientists that were not Zombies to download their data. Then, report back to Sakharov to complete the mission.

Examine the unknown artifact

NOTE: This task is not available until you complete Find out what happened with post in Darkscape.

Ask Sakharov if he has an interesting task and he tells you about a strange artifact that he wants to study. If you agree, he gives you a scanner and sends you to Darkscape. When you get to the sawmill, park the car near the sawmill or Zaharich's cabin, save, and go in on foot. Make sure you have plenty of +health artifacts on your belt.

The artifact is located northeast of Zaharich's cabin, about half way between the sawmill and Zaharich and just a little north. If you sprint after it, the artifact goes so far and teleports back into the area where you found it. If you watch it, the artifact tends to roll east, toward the sawmill. My strategy is to approach from the west and try to get where the artifact spawns, continuously press the action key (F). When the artifact rolls to the eastern edge and teleports back to the center, you can grab it.

Here's what should happen when you pick the artifact up:

A timer starts at 15 seconds while you're transported to different locations around Darkscape. After the timer runs out, you eventually get transported back to where you picked up the artifact and you're in a spiral trap anomaly that is surrounded by other anomalies. Be sure to save if you get to this point. After a few attempts to leave the area, you get a message that suggests you can't take the artifact out of the area. The only way out is to drop the artifact, and then throw bolts to find a hole (usually to the east), as these anomalies aren't detected by your scanner. If you have a scientific (Veles) scanner, the anomalies do not show on your minimap. Skip down to the walkthrough to get out.

If, on the other hand, two dark colored Chimeras spawn, the task is broken (they're not suppose to show up until later). However, if you've replace the gamedata folder, have the blue PDA scanner, and the Chimeras still spawn, reload your last save and try again to see if the timer starts. Apparently, the mod doesn't know if this is the first time you picked up the artifact, or the second.

Anomaly field walkthrough

  1. Turn northeast toward the large hardwood tree with an evergreen on the south side of it (the end of the anomaly's path before it teleports back to the start). Go to the trunk of the evergreen, and then to the hardwood. Use bolts to determine where the anomalies are.
  2. Turning east, there's a Springboard on the right and Electro on the left, with a bush directly east. Walk to the bush, but not past it.
  3. Check for a safe path to the evergreen northeast of the bush, go to its branches, and go around the right side to another hardwood tree.
  4. Turn southeast to the bush on the right (south) of the boulders.
  5. Go to that bush, and turn to the right (south) toward the next evergreen.
  6. Go to the trunk of that tree, turn northeast, and go to the trunk of the next evergreen.
  7. Turn east so that you pass on the south side of the next hardwood.

You know you're out of it when there's a flash of white light and the anomalies are gone.

When you get back to Yantar and report to Sakharov, he gives you a case to put the artifact in. With the case from Sakharov, go back to Darkscape and locate the artifact again. But make sure to bring some heavy firepower (grenade launchers seem to be most effective with Chimeras).

NOTE: I've had games where a Quick Save messes this next part up and the artifact won't go into the case. My advice is to use only hard saves until you are ready to go back to Yantar. Also, in this latest version I had a hard time getting the artifact into the case. As near as I can determine, you have to stand near the case without causing the artifact to alter its roll.

This time, you must drop the suit case so that the artifact will get drawn to it. Drop the case in the path of the rolling artifact. Then, get out a grenade launcher and take cover behind one of the nearby boulders to the west. Once the artifact gets sucked into the case, there is another flash of light, and two electrified Chimeras spawn. If you're behind a boulder, they may not see you, giving you the advantage. As long as the Chimeras don't see you, you can fire away at them. Kill the Chimeras, pick up the case and go back to Sakharov. Later in the game, if you ask him about it, Sakharov tells you that the artifact is lost and to keep an eye out for it.

Get a part of a monster body

Ask Sakharov for a job and he offers, "The Bunker of Doctor Moreau": One, two, three, four, Soldiers marching here'n forth... Tell him you are up for it and you get the task. This is the first in a series of getting mutant parts, much like Hunting trophies. Read the task on your PDA by toggling the map and see that it's a Snork's foot.

Materials for research

Ask Sakharov if he needs any materials for his research and he gives you a list of artifacts and mutant parts that you can collect while you move about the Zone. This task does not come up on your PDA and the list only stays in your message history for a few hours (game time). So, you may want to take a screenshot of it. When you have one or more items, ask Sakharov if there is a special order for you. He gives you the current list. Tell him you want to check your stock and a dialog box opens. For each of the requested items you have, replace the zero with a one and give Sakharov the item. The reward is about three times the usual sale price of each item. Also, the list changes from time to time (about 20 hours game time) and Sakharov is only interested in the current items.

Yantar's secret

Chuk is an experienced stalker standing next to an operational Goatling on the south side of the mobile lab enclosure. Talk to him and he tells you about his friend Figa that went to the factory and never came back. Tell him you'll ask for Sakharov's help. Then ask Sakharov if it's possible to fool Zombies so they don't attack. Long story—short, Sakharov gives you a flask to get water out of the swamp. Go to the spot on the minimap (there's no indication telling you if you're in the right spot — just get close to the target), open your inventory, and double-click the flask to fill it. Bring the flask back to Sakharov and he makes up serum that temporarily makes you a zombie.

Take the serum to Chuk, who tells you to take it first. Double-click the flask again and you become a zombie with a timer starting at 7:00 to tell you when the serum wears off. Fortunately, you're transported to the front gate of the factory so the other stalkers don't shoot you. Enter the gate and go into the building on the left. Figa is thrashing on the floor. Go and talk to him. He tries to talk, but then dies and you get a task update to find Figa's stash in the Wild Territory.

Sometimes Chuk stays behind and sometimes he then heads back to the bunker. Unfortunately for Chuk, the serum doesn't wear off and the Duty guards gun him down. So, whether he stays or not, you never see him again. If you have enough time, this is a great opportunity to collect any stashes that are located in the factory complex. Just make sure you're outside the gate when the timer ends, but not in sight of other Stalkers. I suggest waiting it out in the small brick building near the tractor-trailer.

Figa's dying words are, "Cache... Territory... Bar, where the fuzz... fuzz burns... painfully... Big safe..." On the map, the area Figa is referring to is circled, which is north of the water tower at the Bar. The area inside the fence is loaded with Burnt Fuzz, as Figa mentioned. Only these have flakes that drift down that are powerful enough to take out whatever suit you're wearing. For example, a PSO SKAT-M looses about 80% on the first contact. The best time to do this is at low light, but not in the rain. Use your headlamp to see the flakes.

  1. Starting from the north wall of the water tower, there is an open panel in the fence, third from the right. Staying to the right of the opening, step inside the fence, turn right, and walk along the fence until you're between it and a structure with three large pipes coming out of the top.
  2. Jump onto one of the ribs, or ledges, of the structure, and then on top.
  3. Move to the right (east) pipe and walk north until you reach the bend.
  4. Turn northeast to face an area on the ground that is clear of brush near the silo and jump. You should be able to see the safe in the southeast corner and walk directly to it.
  5. Empty the safe to get the Yantar's secret: Find the O-21 sample sending you back to Yantar. But first, you have to get out of the Burnt Fuzz area.
NOTE: I did have one game where, for some reason, I could not make the jump up to a ledge and had to follow the exit path backwards.
  1. Turn back toward the spot where you landed when you jumped off the pipe, and walk to it.
  2. Staying against the silo, follow it around on the north side until you're between it and the next one.
  3. Move to the next silo and stay against it as you move around the south side.
  4. When you are facing west, go straight.
  5. When you reach the north end of the cement wall, turn southwest toward the southeast corner of the next structure with three pipes coming out of the top.
  6. From there, turn south by southeast to face the door of the Arena and go through another opening in the fence.
NOTE: If you haven't been to the Red Forest yet, there is a storyline twist sending you back to Yantar. Since you can only find the artifact late in the day, you can wait to continue the task, if you want. Hopefully, the timing will be more favorable when you come back.

Figa's note says to look in the bus near the factory entrance for his stash. There's a small stash box inside at the front with two documents: Note from Figa's stash and Professor Thompson's diary. The note also says it was about 22:00 when he saw the glow near the compressor building. Actually, you need to find the artifact before 22:00. The earliest I've found it is 20:00, but it sometimes doesn't show until 21:01. Also, there's really no glow that I can see.

The easiest way to get there from the front gate is to turn right (north) and go between the overhead crane and the workshop (single-story building running parallel to the overhead crane to its east). Follow the road west past the overhead crane and then continue north. When you make the turn north, you'll see a large vertical tank with several large pipes and stairs. Go under the stairs and look south to see the artifact on some planks under a large pipe and next to a wooden crate. Pick it up to get an update that sends you back to Lab X-18 in Dark Valley. The diary is rather lengthy, but gives the impression of how Controllers mutated, and provides a history of an O'Consciousness Project.

Back at X-18, there's no compound or anything else that I've been able to find. Talk to Dead Stalker again and he tells you to destroy the artifact. If you agree (which is your only option), the task is updated to Destroy the O-21 sample. Dead Stalker describes the place to do this as the anomaly pool in Darkscape. In Darkscape, go to the edge of the pool with half a bus beside it (as in Dead Stalker's description). Open your inventory and double-click the artifact to destroy it. Then go back to Dead Stalker and report.


Not much is different other than a few Burers and Plague Rats. There's a slight change in the path leading to the large room with the brain. But it's linear and easy to follow. You enter at the second level, requiring you to go down a level to get to the first switch. You also must return to this level to leave. And Ghost's body is in a different location that the vanilla game. He's just inside the door on the right in the room where you fight the Controller. When you exit the underground, you can now move between Yantar and Agroprom. The transition point is south of the swamp.

Lukash Optional Missions

Prisoners at the Radar

TIP: The best weapons I've found for this task are grenades and a PKM. Also, be sure to key-bind Bipsizon.

Reply to the first question with, "Nothing much, really." and then you can ask him why he's sad to get this task. He tells you his best scout is missing and you agree to look for him in Radar. When you get to Radar, take the first road off to the right (north) after the first four groups of Monolith.

Finding the lost group is no problem as they're just standing behind the gate to the tunnel. However, when you talk to the leader you learn they've been fighting off mutants and haven't been able to leave. Just about this time you hear a beep and the leader warns you another wave of mutants is coming. This is the first of three, and I suggest saving between each. Go to the guard shack and when you see movement down the road, toss a grenade or two. If you're timing is right, you'll take out the boar before they get to the gate. Go back to the leader and talk some more before another wave, this time it's Snorks. Same as before, you can take them out with a couple of grenades.

TIP: As you approach the lost group, deploying a Vortex artifact somewhere between the truck and the group can save you a lot of ammo. Just be sure to leave yourself room to leave after the task, and not so close to the group that they might walk into it.

Back to the leader again, and he mentions some land mines. If you intend to use the mines, quit the conversation there, or you'll trigger the next wave before you have time to get them. I suggest saving one for later. Deploy a mine just like an artifact. Put it in either weapon slot and fire. You can plant the mines in the road for the next wave, this time it's Pseudogiants. Go back to the leader and finish your conversation to trigger the attack. If you have an RPG, two shots is about all you have time for, but it slows them down enough that the others can finish them off.

When you talk to the leader again, he tells you about the door in the tunnel. Go look at the door and enjoy the show. As you leave the tunnel, place a mine where the tunnel turns, and then come back to the leader for the final attack. Although, in my last playthrough the mine didn't go off after several attempts.

This time you're attacked by a Supercontroller coming from the tunnel that you just explored. You get the task, "Wipe out the mute before he'll turn scouts in zombies." The only weapon you can hold on to is a knife and you're suppose to fight the Supercontroller. If the mine doesn't save you the trouble, sprint to either side of the tunnel door, wait for the Supercontroller to come to you, and start stabbing it (use the Bipsizon before you become a Zombie). When it's down the task is completed, and search the body to get an anomalous skull. This is key to the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt task.

Talk to the leader again and he gives you what he can for your help. If you have the Get the fifth part of the map task, the leader gives you the flash drive. Go back to Army Warehouses and let Lukash know you found his men. He gives you a suit and some supplies. You can also give the skull to Lukash and get the key.

Deal with the snitch

This task comes when you complete the Destroy the Duty company. Lukash tells you he's got a snitch that he wants you to silence, but he also wants to know who the snitch is snitching to. Go to the farmstead north of the village. Quietly go up to the barn to hear the snitch contact his friends to tell them the coast is clear. After he radios them, you can pop him. Then, wait for the four Mercs coming in from the west. Once they're down, check the house for a record and report back to Lukash.

Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier

NOTE: There is a known bug here where a requirement is added to the task when you pick up the battery. The added requirement calls for three Battery artifacts. A solution is posted by cvellrath here. I encountered this bug only with this latest version and was unable to locate the "charged vehicle battery". However, I was able to use the Spawn Menu's Artifact tab to add "af_dummy_battery" to my backpack and continue with the task. Again, the requirement is not there after talking with Screw, but added when you pick up the battery in Garbage.
TIP: Combine it with the Owner of the Dead City task. Both tasks have a six-hour waiting period when you can switch from one to the other. You can also use the BTR (once you get it running) for the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt task.

After completing the Deal with the snitch task, ask Lukash if he has any important tasks for you and he ask you to go to Dead City to find the military's abandoned BTRs. But first you need to talk to Screw, who is behind the headquarters building. Screw tells you about the key that you need for the BTRs and gives you the Find the electronic key for the BTR task and updates the Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier task. If the key task updates right away, check your inventory to see if one of the flash drives is actually a key. If you've already done the Owner of the Dead City task, chances are that you picked the key up when you got parts for the bomb.

If you don't have the key yet, go to Dead City and check the map for the crash site northeast of where you spawn. To get back to Dead City from Army Warehouses, use the transition point in the northwest corner of the map. You have to clear out some Mercenaries, and there's a dealer there, too. Then, go back to the bridge where you spawned from Yantar and go west, making sure you are on the south side of the fence. You will come to a pond where the BTR sits. Approach either side near the front and enter the vehicle with the action key just as you would a car. The Find the electronic key for the BTR task is complete and you now have the Nothing works task. Exit the BTR the same as a car, by turning sideways and hit action.

NOTE: The BTR may be emission proof, but not Snork proof. Snorks can kill you even when you're inside. Zombies can blow it up with a few shotgun blasts, so see my note on using it for the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt. You can drive it over the bridge, under the tree, and get more fuel from Bosun. You can also use a second repair kit on it if you want, but I don't see an advantage to fixing it completely unless you plan on driving around killing Zombies with it.

Back to the Army Warehouses to talk to Screw again. The closes transition point is northeast of your position where you escorted Minor. However, it's actually quicker to use the transition by the bunker to go URR > Dark Valley > Army Warehouses. If you haven't yet, don't forget to collect the key for the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt task.

Tell Screw you found the BTR and at the end of the conversation the Nothing works task is complete and you get the Find a battery for the BTR task, which takes you to the Garbage. The battery weighs 14 kg. so be sure you can carry that much weight before you go. Keep in mind that eventually, you'll be bringing the BTR to Lukash, so use a nearby stash if you need to.

Along the south side of the Vehicle graveyard are three red trucks. The battery is in the front seat of the middle truck. While you're in Garbage, you can hunt for the The question of immortality — Part 1 Cobblestone.

Go back to Screw and tell him that you found a battery. If you're driving, you can go through Dark Valley. Screw tells you that it will take about six hours to get it ready. When the battery is ready, Screw gives you a can of petrol and a repair kit, too. 27.5 kg. in all. Now back to the BTR.

When you get to the BTR, stand behind the left tail light to add the petrol (same keyboard command as a Goatling). Next, open your inventory, double-click the tool kit, and click car repair. Now move up either side and enter the vehicle. The Find a battery for the BTR task is complete, but you now have the The BTR computer is faulty task. And yes, you guessed it, back to Screw.

When you tell Screw that there's another problem, he sends you to the Agroprom Institute to find a control module. You now have the Get a new computer for the BTR task. Only, instead of the Institute, go to the factory because there are no BTR parts at the Institute. At least, none that I could find. However, the task description mentions a trader. Go to the southeast building in the complex, third floor, and find a trader. He will sell you the computer for 35,000 RU.

Back to Dead City one last time and enter the vehicle to complete the Get a new computer for the BTR task. Now drive the BTR back to the northeast corner of the Army Warehouses map. Take the BTR up the hill near the captain to complete the task. Talk to the captain and he tells you to go back and talk to Lukash. Notice that Freedom is now friendly to you. When you talk to Lukash, he gives you some really nice (and heavy) gear. Be sure you can take on about 70kg before you talk to him.

TIP: If you have not collected the Klondike of artifacts: last spurt yet, you may want to wait and take the BTR back to the captain until after.
Bring the bulletproof vest

Lukash sends you to Yantar to find a soldier's corpse and retrieve the vest. The soldier is actually Sergeant Gurevich in the vanilla game, who has a Healing Beril suit and lies near the X16 entrance. Only, this Beril suit is what Lukash is after. Grab the suit and head back to Lukash to complete the task.


Lukash asks for a bloodsucker tentacle, which you can usually get in the village.

Help Psycho

You may want to do this during the Well-wisher: Take the case task. The Insane stalker from the Freedom faction is actually very safe and you can talk to him. I usually find safe passage through the mines by starting at the Freedom Base front gate and going east along the wall all the way to the fence. Turn left (north) and follow the fence, and turn left again and stay along the fence until you get to the cabin. The radiation is very high, so any food you have in your backpack is ruined.

You can offer to take him to Sakharov for help and he becomes your friend. As you leave, go out the way you came, but don't get too far ahead as he might go into the mines and you fail the task. He follows you to the Wild Territory, but I can't get him to go past the train station platform. However, if I continue on, he's waiting for me when I spawn in Yantar. Another route is to pick up a car at the Bar (I usually have two or three Goatlings sitting there by now) and drive through Garbage and Agroprom.

Take the Insane stalker to Sakharov, who claims he cannot help the poor guy. When the conversation is over, the stalker is waiting outside. Go talk to him and he ends the conversation by killing himself. Loot his body and take the flash drive. His body then vanishes. His flash drive contents can be found on your PDA's Diary Log page under Found PDA. The next time you sleep, you awake to find a note in your hand and a Morpheus artifact in your inventory. Double-click the note to download it to the same Diary section.

Help Freedom at the radar
NOTE: It is possible for Max to get killed during the task, in which case this task may not be available. If there's another NPC that offers the task instead, I haven't found them yet.

This task comes from Max, who stands in the open yard east of the mess hall. Ask him if he has any personal errands for you and he tells you about a rookie that went off to prove himself, and they haven't heard from him since. To get to the helicopter, which is your starting point to look for the rookie, you have to go through the fence where the road turns west and the Monolith fighter was on a platform over a trailer. Follow the rock formation around until you get to the crash site. There's plenty of mutants, so stay close to the rocks for cover. Once you get near the helicopter, you should see the rookie on your minimap somewhere south of the crash site. He stands on a rock, but comes down to talk to you. You just have to escort him back to the Army Warehouses transition point. As you near the check point, I recommend you save because you don't always get a mission update like you should, which is just before you get to the truck on its side. Talk to the rookie, then go talk to Max to complete the task.

Well-wisher: Take the case

As you take your first steps in the Red Forest, you get a message telling you to go back to Yantar for a case. This is a detour from the original storyline, but one you must take. However, if you have the Prisoners at the Radar task, continue on to complete it first to avoid an extra trip back to Lukash. On your way back through Army Warehouses, you may want to take on the Help Psycho task, too.

When you're ready, go back to Yantar and to the machine shop on the right side of the factory complex gate. The shorter way is Army Warehouses > Bar > Wild Territory. The safer way is Army Warehouses > Bar > Garbage > Agroprom, which opened up when you completed the X-16 task. Plus, it might be advantageous to leave a vehicle in Yantar.

When you get to Yantar, go in the front gate of the factory complex and turn right (north). There's usually three or four Snorks waiting for you and there's, what looks like, a wood burner outside of the west wall of the machine shop. Jump up on there to deal with the Snorks. Continue north and around to the open door of the shop. Go inside and note that there are mine sticks on the floor. Stay against the west wall and move south to the bench, where you'll find a note and a brief case. When you pick it up, you get a message from Well-wisher about booby traps and codes. A Monolith squad has been dispatched and is waiting outside the gate. If you're lucky, any stalkers nearby will take them out for you. One of the Monolith carries a PDA with a message to look for you.

The note sends you back to Strelok's hideout in Agroprom. But finish up the Red Forest Yantar tasks first. Then, use the transition point in the southwest corner of the map to get there. Once you're back in Strelok's hideout, go to the far (east) wall and pick up the note on the ledge at the end of the couch. This gives you the code to the brief case, but only part of the code to the Brain Scorcher is in it. Use the code in the note to open the brief case and you are tasked to find Messenger at the Army Warehouses (if you completed Skinflint's task to clear Bloodsucker Village, you can drive to Army Warehouses by way of Dark Valley). When you spawn in the Army Warehouses, your PDA shows Messenger in the nearby farm house. However, when you enter the house, you get a message that he's moved to Dead City.

NOTE: A few things to know about Dead City: a) It gets pretty ugly after 21:00 and you can't leave. If you try, you get teleported back into the city. So, if you find it's getting late, head north over the bridge, past the guard shack, and turn northeast toward the building with four letters above the door and one laying on the ground (Google translation: Vegetables). Either go in and through the building or around to the back and enter the closed door to the underground bar. Talk to the barkeep, Bosun, to get the Owner of the Dead City task. It's safe to go back to the city after 6:00. b) There's a helicopter crash site in the southeast corner of the map. You can loot the corpses, but leave the flash drive until you get the Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier task. c) There's a Thunderbird artifact on the roof of the gym, which is on the city square facing south. This artifact gives you a two-hour warning of blowouts and some psy protection.

You get to Dead City by going through the factory complex in Yantar, or the northwest corner of Army Warehouses (after you take out the Mercs that are camped there). You may want to bring some anti-personnel mines, a PKM, and Freeman's crowbar with you. In Yantar, go to the back (west) of the factory complex just as you did to get to Lab X-16. Instead of going into the X-16 building, turn west and go through the gate to get to the Dead City transition point. Yantar spawns you at the south end of the city and Army Warehouses at the east end.

When you spawn, you get a prompt from Cheburashka, then another from an unknown Stalker. First, there are two Controllers here that you should take care of to make life a little easier. From Yantar, go straight down the road until you get to the bus stop on the right. From Army Warehouses, go straight down the road to the second street on the left that runs along the east side of the broken-down apartment building and turn left (south). The Controllers are in the building with the tall pillars in front. You can take them by surprise by sprinting up to the door and tossing a grenade or two in. Otherwise, use the bus stop shelter or rubble as cover to attack with grenades, RPGs, etc. There's one more Controller to the northeast that you can deal with now or later.

With the Controllers out of the way, head for the building marked on your map to the west. The biggest problem I have with this next part is that Minor tends to wonder around the building and get himself killed. This is a good place to save in case this happens to you. Even if you start defending the building against the next attack, reloading a save part way through can also have Minor spawning on the ground floor instead of upstairs where he's safe.

Once you enter the building you can't exit. So before going in, set one or two mines outside each of the three doors, which are located at the southeast, southwest, and northwest corners of the building. You only have time for one or two mines at each door, and be sure to leave yourself safe entry into the building. And don't get too close to the building before laying out the mines or you'll get sucked in. If you see a Poltergeist on the outside of the building, take it out. However, in my last two playthroughs, the Zombies didn't attack the building. You may want to save before laying the mines in case this happens. It's not difficult to get out of the building if they don't attack.

As you enter the north-side doorway, you should see a note on the floor near the safe. If it's not there, look around because the Poltergeist sometimes throws it around. I once found it on top of the vending machine at the front door. Another time, the Poltergeist threw it out the front door (you can still complete the task without the note). Put a mine in this room and go up the stairs.

Talk to Minor who tells you the building is a spiral trap and you can't get out. However, the note you picked up has a clue about books. But first, you have to fight off all the Zombies. Use the sofa to see out the window and toss a grenade or two as they cross the street. You may be able to jump and see them coming toward the front of the building, too. Once the Zombies are in the building, the best spot is the landing overlooking the stairs in front. Just be sure to periodically check the hallway to the east for Zombies coming in that way.

When the Zombies stop coming, start collecting books. As you go through the building, Minor is going to ask for a weapon and ammo, so if you find one among the Zombies that's not too far gone, keep it for him:

  1. The first book is on the north side of the room where you meet Minor, on the floor by the shelves.
  2. At the top of the stairs, go west down the hallway and into the first room on the right. There's book under the bed next to the door. This one sometimes gets thrown around the room, too. Also, for some reason, it isn't always visible until you look at it (much like corpses).

  3. Next, head down the front stairs and to the left. Continue to the room with the phone on the desk. If you're collecting records, there's one next to the phone, or it may have been thrown on the floor by the Poltergeist. Next to the desk is a room with a stove and a cupboard. Open the cupboard to pick up the book inside.
  4. Continue down the hallway that turns left, there's a bathroom opposite the southwest door. Go into the bathroom all the way, stand on the toilet, and jump up to find the forth book in the tank.
  5. Go back to the room with the safe, through the room with the green sofas, down the hallway on the left and turn right. The first room on the left is another bathroom. Pick up the book on the floor next to the toilet.

Now put the books into the safe. The safe vanishes and you can now leave the building. Go back upstairs and talk to Minor. He wants to go to the Army Warehouses before he gives you the rest of the code. The transition point to the Army Warehouses is east of the building you're in. Save before leaving the building in case one of you trips a mine that didn't go off yet. Then, go out the front (north) door and east. Along the way, you encounter a few more Zombies and a squad of Monolith, which will be to the north. So, keep an eye on your bioradar. Lead Minor to the transition point but stop at the bridge as soon as you get a task update. Talk to Minor and he'll give you the rest of the code.

See Dead City for the remaining tasks and some additional ones.

Klondike of artifacts: last spurt

You must complete the Prisoners at the Radar task to obtain the anomalous skull. Take the skull to Lukash and follow this conversation string:

  1. Hello, are you Lukash, leader of Freedom?
  2. Nothing much, really.
  3. Listen, I took this from something I killed while rescuing your guys. Are you interested?

In exchange for the skull, Lukash gives you coordinates for the following transition points to URR (Underground Railroad?):

TIP: You can drive a vehicle in from Dark Valley, but train cars block you from going any further in URR. Also, when you spawn in URR from Red Forest, the door in the northeast part of the office opens even though there's no onscreen prompt.

The Artifact-key is stashed in the train car at the north end of the tunnel, nearest the Dark Valley transition point. To get to Dead City, go south and follow the tunnel to the right. The Klondike location is the Space anomaly in the northeast part of the city between the appartment buildings. Before going into the anomaly, spread out a few mines, leaving a path to escape to one of the buildings for cover. Just be sure to save a few mines if you haven't completed the Well-wisher: Take the case task yet.

NOTE: You can use the BTR from the Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier task. I recommend using a second repair kit as small-arms fire causes damage. A few shotgun blasts can blow it up. If you drive straight to the anomaly, and then to the barrier, you should have enough fuel. But, you can always put more in if you like (there's two cans in the gym where you found The UPSm "Cist" suits). Pull the BTR in close to the anomaly and position it so you have full kill zones east and west. Take out the armed Zombies first. The Civilian Zombies can't hurt you.

Walk into the anomaly to trigger the Klondike. The anomaly begins to break apart and then is gone, leaving several unique artifacts all around the depression. This completes the task and triggers an attack by both Zombified Stalkers and Civil Zombies from east and west. Quickly pick up the artifacts and head for cover.

As I see it, your best options are:

Find the rest of the anomalous household items
NOTE: If you plan on completing the Owner of the Dead City task, you may want to wait on this until you reach the point where you have to wait several hours (game time) for Prokhorov to build the bomb. Or, you can hunt for these as you're searching for the three scientists. Also, you can use a detector to find these items.

If you scout the apartment buildings in Dead City, you're bound to find some household items that have become artifacts. Picking up the first one you find gives you the task to find the others. As far as I know, anyone will buy them, but you have to take them to Sakharov to complete the task. Here are the locations, starting from north of the bridge (combined with anomalous bolts):

When you have all six items, you get a the Bring all the found anomalous household items to the scientists task. Ask Sakharov to look at something you found to complete the task.

Owner of the Dead City

Talk to Bosun and suffer through the long story about the scientists. Then talk to Prokhorov, who should be sitting right by the bar, and he gives you his lengthy version of the story. When the conversation is finally over, you have the task. The first part of the task is to find the bodies of the three scientists with information. You don't have to find all nine, just the ones with the data. You get an update when you search the bodies having the data (otherwise, there's no way to know). Here are the locations of the nine in all:

  1. North of the bridge in the farm house southwest of the water tower.
  2. Top floor office of the gym. Use the southeast stairs. In the north room of the ground floor are some UPSm "Cist" suits. If you don't have a closed respirator suit, you'll need one of these later. The anomalous jar is on the roof. Also, there's two bolt behind (north) the build, one in the west garage and another outside the fence between the garages.
  3. In the storm drain east of the gym.
  4. Top floor of the northeast apartment building's east entrance, center-right door. The anomalous bottle is in the center building and the anomalous plate in the south building.
  5. Second floor of the T-shaped building in the southern part of the city. This is the building with the columns in front and two Controllers when you first entered the city.
  6. The cellar of the farmhouse in the far southwest corner of the map.
  7. Southwest apartment building > south entrance > top floor > left-center door > bath tub. The anomalous spoon is on the first floor.
  8. The attic of the north house of two in the southwest corner of the city.
  9. L-shaped building west of town square that's partially demolished > west entrance > attic > go east and drop into hallway. This is the same place as the anomalous Doll household item.

The next part of the task is to find the Master's den. Look on the map to find the circled area just outside the city, directly west of the gym. Go to the northwest corner of the city to find a fallen tree and a hole in the fence. Go through the fence and north down the hill, past the dead bodies on the minimap, turn south and find the mine opening. As you go in, you get a message that your suit can't handle the radiation and you have to go back to Prokhorov.

Talk to Prokhorov and he adjusts the helmet that Sakharov gave you (which takes 30 game-time minutes because he keeps stopping to talk). This gives you a new task, Explore the Master's den. This is easier with a closed respirator suit because of being under water. If you don't have one, there are three UPSm "Cist" suits on the ground floor of the gym.

Now you can go into the mine, under water, and follow the passage to find Vasiliy, the zombified scientist on his knees. As you go along, your air supply goes down. There's plenty of air to loot corpses and explore the area. If you need to, jump up to put your head above the surface to recharge your air supply to 100%. Talk to Vasiliy and have a conversation with the Master.

Now go back to Prokhorov again and report that you made it into the den. He decides to make a bomb and sends you to the crashed chopper, giving you the Craft a thermite bomb task. The chopper wreckage is visible on the map, located in the southeast corner. Before you leave the bunker, make sure you can carry 40 kg. There's a safe/stash box by the pool table to put extra gear. The best path to take is around the city on the east. You may encounter a Controller, but no Zombies. If you haven't visited the crash site yet, there may be a bloodsucker or two lurking around, and possibly a couple of Mercs.

NOTE: If you find a flash drive on one of the soldiers, this is for the Get a BTR for protection of the Barrier task. I like to have these two tasks going at the same time because they both have a six-hour wait period. You can either pick up the parts now and find the BTR, or the other way around. Work both tasks to the waiting period to combine them.

The landing gear rim is near the front of the chopper and the aircraft skin is in between the two halves of the fuselage. Take the parts back to Prokhorov and wait for him to make the bomb. He says it will take about four hours, but it's more like six. If you haven't already, this is a good time to complete the Find the rest of the anomalous household items task and you should have enough bolts to turn in for the Find the anomalous bolts task. Next, follow the BTR task until you have to wait for the battery.

When you get the task update from Prokhorov, ask him if the bomb is ready. He explains that you have about 2:30 delay before the bomb goes off. Also, the bomb weighs 30 kg., so keep your inventory light.

Before you go sprinting off to the Master, let me explain how this next bit plays out so you can increase your odds of completing the mission. And don't expect to do it on your first try, or even your first dozen tries. Anyway, the only way to plant the bomb is to walk up to Vasiliy and the bomb is pulled from your backpack. Immediately, things start spinning and you are transported to random parts of the map, where there's probably one or more Zombies waiting to cap you. I've seen videos where they take some bi-psy-zon and vodka, but that doesn't seem to help. The best weapon for this task is a PKM.

When you reach the control room with the computer terminals, walk up on top of one so that your head is above water, pull out your weapon, and save. When you're ready, walk up to Vasiliy until the bomb deploys itself and a timer starts and 2:28. Turn south and get as far as you can before things start spinning and you get transported to another part of the map. Kill any Zombies, quick save, and then reload the save. This seems to stop the spinning when you're teleported back to the Master's den, which happens after a few seconds. Just keep moving toward the exit of the den. It seems to be a matter of luck to get teleported near the exit.

If you're not out of the den when the timer runs out, GAME OVER. If you make it out, things go black, and then come back again. It is now safe to go back in the den if you want. Otherwise, head back to Prokhorov and talk to him. Now he wants you to escort him to the Cordon Checkpoint. This gives you the Escort Prokhorov to the checkpoint at the Cordon task. You can combine this with taking the BTR back to Army Warehouses, and then go Dark Valley > Garbage or Darkscape > Cordon.

When you get there, Prokhorov tells you to take a nap and you black out. When you wake and talk to him, the task is complete and he gives you some nice parting gifts, including a Army Transponder so the Military sees you as friendly when you hang it on your belt.

NOTE: With the Owner destroyed, you no longer need to be concerned about the 21:00 curfew and can leave the map if you like. However, you still cannot enter Bosun's bunker until 06:00.

The Marshes map is not a sandbox map, meaning that you have to follow roads and paths with little room to explore. It doesn't matter if you come from Agroprom or Cordon because the spawn points are fairly close together. Also, trying this without a bioradar difficult, but can be done.

NOTE: Possible bug in the latest version; the Army Transponder from Prokhorov was only good until I left the Cordon for the Marshes. As soon as I returned, I was gunned down. I tried removing it from my belt before leaving and putting it back on when I returned, but that didn't work. Oddly, the Military in Agroprom were still friendly. But the Cordon Military were still hostile. You may want to save this task for later.

Catch a unique bloodsucker

Doc has decide to retire and made a home in the pump station. Offer to help him with his new hobby of helping mutants and he gives you a crossbow with three taser bolts. You must find and shoot the bloodsucker, and then bring it back to Doc before it wakes up. First, save, and then go south from the Pump station until you see the bloodsucker on your bioradar (or hear it). Remember Doc's instructions and stay at least 15 meters back, which is the smallest circle on your bioradar. Otherwise, you get a message from Doc telling you that you startled it and it attacks.

Because the map is linear, it's very difficult to get a clear shot and you may just be able to see its head. You can also use binoculars to get its position. Move from side to side as much as the map lets you. You might find an opening in the reeds for a clear shot. A good shot will drop the bloodsucker right away and you get a task update. If you hit it and it doesn't go down, reload your save and try again (this task is buggy and it may take a few tries). Go to the bloodsucker, pick it up (Shift+F), and carry it back to Doc to complete the task. You get to keep the crossbow.

As you leave, Doc may call you back and offer the Catch a unique pseudo dog task. Same task as before, only you must stay 20 meters away and this one is marked on your map. Find the dog to the east (toward the Agroprom transition), shoot it (try for a head shot), and drag it back to Doc for another reward.